Using Gails constructs, Margo rated the elements "Pedagogical Knowledge", "Theoretical Knowledge" exactly the same across all 7 constructs. This result is identical to Margos ratings of these elements using her own constructs, which indicates that she considers these two characteristics to be highly similar.
Similarily, Margo rated the characteristics "Self regulating" and "Organized personally" exactly the same across all constructs. This result is different from Margos ratings using her own constructs, however this indicates that using Gails constructs, Margo considers these two elements to be inseparable.
Margo rated the characteristics "Practical knowledge" and "Projects and integrates change" the same across 6 of 7 constructs. This result is clustered with "Accomodates new/novel ideas and technology", which Margo rated the same as the previous two elements on 4 of 7 constructs.
Margo clustered "Strategies related to structure of technology" and "Organization of classroom events", which she rated the same on 6 of 7 constructs.