Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
A Program for International Cooperation in Advanced Manufacturing
Final Report of the International Steering Committee adopted at ISC6, Hawaii, 24 to 26 January, 1994
Executive Summary
PART I The IMS feasibility study
Chapter 1 Historical perspective and objectives
1.1 Japanese proposal for IMS program
1.2 Tripartite meetings
1.3 Objectives
1.4 The IMS feasibility study
Chapter 2 Structure and management of feasibility study
2.1 Terms of Reference
2.1.1 Implementation procedures
2.1.2 R&D test case criteria
2.2 Principles
2.3 Committee structure
2.3.1 International Steering Committee
2.3.2 International Technical Committee
2.3.3 International Intellectual Property Rights Committee
2.3.4 Secretariats
2.4 Information exchange prior to R&D test case consortium formation
Chapter 3 Establishing a framework for testing international cooperation
3.1 Modalities
3.2 Technical themes
3.3 Intellectual property rights
Chapter 4 Selection, launch and assessment of test cases
4.1 Criteria for test case selection
4.2 Test cases selected
4.2.1 Clean manufacturing in process industries
4.2.2 Concurrent engineering for global manufacturing
4.2.3 Globeman 21
4.2.4 Holonic manufacturing systems
4.2.5 Rapid product development
4.2.6 Gnosis: systematisation of knowledge
4.3 Assessment of test cases
4.4 Specific lessons learned from individual test cases
Chapter 5 Value added of IMS framework
Chapter 6 Lessons learned
6.1 Lessons learned as reported by the test case consortia
6.2 Lessons learned in the assessment of test cases
6.3 Lessons learned from international committee work
6.3.1 Lessons learned by the ISC from international committee work
6.3.2 Lessons learned by the ITC from international committee work
6.3.3 Lessons learned by the IIPRC from international committee work
PART II Conclusions and recommendations
II.1 Conclusions related to the IMS feasibility study
II.2 Value added by international collaboration in advanced manufacturing
II.2.1 For industrial partners
II.2.2 For academia
II.2.3 For public administrations/governments
II.3 Recommendations for a full scale IMS program
II.4 Recommendations for the transition period
II.5 Issues for attention
PART III Terms of Reference for a program for international cooperation in advanced manufacturing
I Purpose
II Objectives
III Background
IV Principles
V Program structure and funding
VI Management structure
VII Commencement of the IMS program
VIII End of the IMS program
IX Admission of new participants
X Consortium formation
XI Evaluation, selection and review of projects
XII Role of IMS vis-a-vis small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), universities and government research institutes
XIII Dissemination of results
Appendix III.1 Technical themes for full scale IMS Program as proposed by ITC
Appendix III.2 Intellectual property rights provisions for research and development projects
Appendix III.3 Convention establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (Stockholm, 14 July 1967)
Annex I Members of international committees
Annex II International meetings
Annex III Workplans
Annex IV Terms of Reference for feasibility study on international cooperation in advanced manufacturing
Annex V Guidelines on intellectual property rights for research and development test cases conducted within the feasibility study
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