PART II Conclusions and recommendations

The ISC recommends the launch of a full-scale IMS program. This recommendation is based on the results of the IMS feasibility study, which was set up to test the feasibility of international collaboration in advanced manufacturing and which has demonstrated that international collaboration on IMS can be a win-win opportunity.

The international committees have reached a number of conclusions related to the feasibility study and the value added of international collaboration in this domain and have developed recommendations related to a full-scale program including some open issues. These conclusions follow.

II.1 Conclusions related to the IMS feasibility study

II.2 Value added by international collaboration in advanced manufacturing

Experience gained in the IMS feasibility study indicates that the added value which could result from a full-scale IMS program for the participants (industries - large and small, academia and public administrations/governments) would include the following.

II.2.1 For industrial partners

II.2.2 For academia

II.2.3 For public administrations/governments

II.3 Recommendations for a full-scale IMS program

Manufacturing is a primary generator of wealth and is critical to establishing a sound basis for economic growth. Manufacturing industry is subjected to a range of pressures, some of which can be solved, in the view of the ISC, by global cooperation.

Accordingly, the ISC makes the following recommendations:

II.4 Recommendations for the transition period

The time period between the end of the feasibility study and the beginning of the full-scale program is termed the transition period.

II.5 Issues for attention

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