WWW-WAIS Gateway

timbl (Tim Berners-Lee)
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 91 11:17:05 GMT+0100
From: timbl (Tim Berners-Lee)
Message-id: <9111081017.AA04649@ nxoc01.cern.ch >
To: www-interest@nxoc01.cern.ch
Subject: WWW-WAIS Gateway
(Now its been running for some time, I guess I should announce it!) 

                World-Wide Web <-> WAIS Gateway Running

A gateway running on info.cern.ch provides access by any WWW browser  
to the world of information provided by "WAIS" servers. WAIS servers  
are full-text search servers using software from Thinking Machines  
Corporation. There's more infomation about WAIS and the gateway in  
the web.

[By the way, if you have an old WWW default page which may not have  
links to everything of interest, you can pick up by ftp (or link to)  
a new one from file://info.cern.ch/pub/default.html]


You can find WAIS indexes by browsing a hypertext guide to WAIS  
(linked from our default page), and/or doing an index search on the  
WAIS index of indexes. 

The guide starts at  
Here is an sample of what there is: 

Biochemistry     The EC enzyme database of Amos Bairoch , REBASE  
                restriction enzymes , the annotation of the      
                GenBank(R) DNA sequence database (Bacterial 

                Division), the Peter Karps CompoundKB database of 981  
                metabolic intermediate compounds ,  periodical 

                references to journals in the area of molecular 

                biology , BIOSCI mailing lists and newsgroup archives

Geography        Asia Pacific region: Curriculum Resources & Course 

                outlines;  India: Miscellaneous information 

Humanities       Discussion, Poetry 

Meterology       The weather (around MIT)

Music            MIDI interfacing ,  Song lyrics ,

Religion         The Bible (King James version) , The Holy Qur'an 

Computing & Networking:

        AARNet   Australian Academic and Research Network Resources

        Fidonet  List of nodes

        Usenet   FAQ, cookbook, science

        Internet RFCs, resource guide, etc etc

        (etc etc)

                        By Organsiation

 E.F.F.         Electronic Frontier Foundation: Documents, 


 N.S.F.         National Science Foundation: bulletins

 M.I.T.         Algorithms book: Bugs , excercises , suggestions  for 

                the book, 'Introduction to Algorithms' by Tom Cormen, 

                Charles Leiserson, and Ron Rivest, all members of 

                Theory of Computation Group, Laboratory for Computer 

                Science.  Weather .

 University of Noth Carolina     Phone book 

 University of North Texas       Documents 

 Univ. Oslo                     Publications bibliography 

Mail me with any problems/questions/suggestions.
Tim Berners-Lee                       timbl@info.cern.ch
World Wide Web project                (NeXTMail is ok)  
CERN                                  Tel: +41(22)767 3755
1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland           Fax: +41(22)767 7155