Re: IETF BOF on Universal Document Identifiers (Peter Deutsch)
Message-id: <>
In-Reply-To: Steve Hardcastle-Kille's message as of Jul  4, 15:42
From: (Peter Deutsch)
Date: Sat, 4 Jul 92 18:27:13 GMT-0:02
In-Reply-To: Steve Hardcastle-Kille's message as of Jul  4, 15:42
X-Mailer: Mail User's Shell (6.5.6 6/30/89)
To: Steve Hardcastle-Kille <>, (Tim Berners-Lee)
Subject: Re: IETF BOF on Universal Document Identifiers

Hmmm, I see this is going back to a lot of people.
apologies in advance for all of the duplicates that this

[ Steve Hardcastle-Kille writes: ]
> Tim,
> I know that this is late in the day, but could I request that you reschedule
> your meeting?   
> Let me suggest Tuesday: 4-6

For those that missed the note that Karen Sollins sent
out, Tim Berners-Lee has left MIT and is "in transit" to
Boston so probably wont be able to vote on this request
before the start of the IETF conference. Since he was the
one who called the meeting, I suggest that we wait and try
to work out a suitable time and room on day 1 (or day zero
if enough people are around). Everyone watch the notice

> The reason is that you are clashing with the OSI-DS group.  I think
> that X.500 has a massive role to play in this.   It has also been a
> definite part of the disucssions, which I have not ahd time to be
> active in.   This timing will exclude me, and probably most of the
> other interested X.500 experts.  
> Could I request that you consider this seriously, even at this late
> stage

I don't see why anyone would object, but I guess it's Tim's

				- peterd

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