Lynx 2.0 Beta revision 7 (Lou Montulli)
From: (Lou Montulli)
Message-id: <>
Subject: Lynx 2.0 Beta revision 7
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 93 19:25:33 CDT
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.3 PL2]
A new version of Lynx is now available at
for anonymous ftp.

If you don't know what Lynx is try telneting to
and logging in as 'www' for a demo.

Revisions 7 is mostly a large group of bug fixes, but there is
also a new feature to allow you to turn on link numbering, so
Lynx can look alot like the line mode browser. (Wow! :)

Support for VMS is greatly increased.
Big thanks to Foteos Macrides and Selden E. Ball, Jr. for all the VMS
bug reports and fixes.

Binaries are also available for AIX, Ultrix, SUN, and VMS.

On a completely different note:
I have also put up a test gateway to read Lynx internal format 
documents.  Our entire CWIS and the WWW Demo pages are now
accessable through this gateway.  

The University of Kansas CWIS is at:
The WWW demo start page is at:
The data server will move to a more permanent machine in a couple of

  *           T H E   U N I V E R S I T Y   O F   K A N S A S              *
  *         Lou  MONTULLI @ Ukanvax.bitnet         			   *
  *                              	           *
  *  Nothing difficult,    ACS Computing Services *
  *   is ever easy!         	913/864-0436	       Lawrence, KS 66044  *
  *					         			   *
  *  For how we live is so different from how we ought to live that he who *
  *  studies what ought to be done rather than what is done will learn the *
  *  way to his downfall rather than to his preservation.  -Machiavelli    *