W4W WYSIWYG authoring tool release

jeff.grover@gtri.gatech.edu (Jeffrey L. Grover)
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1993 19:42:56 -0400
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To: www-talk@nxoc01.cern.ch, cello-l@fatty.law.cornell.edu
From: jeff.grover@gtri.gatech.edu (Jeffrey L. Grover)
Subject: W4W WYSIWYG authoring tool release
X-Mailer: <PC Eudora Version 2.0a10>
GT_HTML.DOT (ver 0.1a) Release Notice
The Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) 
is pleased to announce the initial alpha 
release of  a set of Microsoft Word for 
Windows macros to facilitate  HTML document 
authoring.  The macros are contained in a 
document template (GT_HTML.DOT) which provides 
a pseudo WYSIWYG authoring environment.

Read more about it at:


TEMPORARY distribution point at:


Jeffrey L. Grover         voice:  (404)894-8961
Ga Tech/GTRI/ITTL         fax:    (404)894-9081
347 Ferst Dr. N.W.             noman@gatech.edu
Atlanta, Ga 30332   jeff.grover@gtri.gatech.edu