Re: Style Sheets for HTML

"Rob Raisch, The Internet Company" <>
Date: Mon, 30 May 1994 20:09:07 +0200
Message-id: <Pine.3.85.9405301031.A24828-0100000@hmmm>
Precedence: bulk
From: "Rob Raisch, The Internet Company" <>
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Subject: Re: Style Sheets for HTML
X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0c -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas
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Mime-Version: 1.0

Postscript is functionally a write-only medium.  Once a document has been 
instantiated in Postscript, little further interpretation is possible 
without a full Postscript interpreter.  

Consider a link within a PS document. Without a full PS intrepreter embedded 
in each renderer, such a link is useless.  In the simpliest instance, how 
can I know the positioning of the link without rendering the entire page? 

Once a document is expressed in HTML, there are lots of things I'd like to
and can do with it.  Further intrepretation and manipulation of information 
is the goal of any good information system, not only presentation. 

The problem is richness of presentation AND the functionality of 
non-linearly structured information.  

--  </rr>  Rob Raisch, The Internet Company

On Sun, 29 May 1994, Dan Hinckley wrote:

> Forgive me, but what's to prevent browser clients from being able to read 
> .ps files; can http not point to a postscript file as it would any other 
> non html file, and thus provide a gateway? Wouldn't this solve the 
> publishers' problem, and keep HTML simpler?
> Dan Hinckley                  The EarthWeb Project
> OutSource Development          voice: 303.642.7330
> 204 Divide View Drive            fax: 303.642.7330
> Golden, CO 80403
> On Tue, 24 May 1994, Jonathan Abbey wrote:
> > But graphics files cannot be manipulated at all.. running OCR on html-embedded
> > GIF's?  Ugh.
> > 
> > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Jonathan Abbey				    
> > Applied Research Laboratories                 The University of Texas at Austin
> > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 