
Introduction to Management Functionality

This page is very well done and provides a comprehensive set of instructions. Layout of the management screens is clear and understandable. Very well done!

Managers require full access to the system, meaning a manager can add, delete, modify, and search for anything in the system. Functions in the Room Service, Accounting, and Front Desk sections are accessed in the same manner as listed in the previous sections of this manual. For information concerning how to access each of these particular functions go to the section which discusses "Getting Started" (it deals with Navagation of the system). This section is concerned with functions that have been restricted to manager use only. Only a manager with the correct security access level will be able to view the main management screen .

Note: You will find that all functions available in this document will be demonstrated by a sample task, in order to make this is clearer to you.

Overview of Management Functions and Main Screen

The following is a brief description of the buttons on the screen above. When you click on any one of the buttons on the menu a new window will pop up overtop of the main manager window allowing you to perform particular functions. Keywords from the list below can be clicked on, linking you to another part of the document which deals specifically with the window for that particular button when clicked and it's specific functions.

Room Information:
The database must store the room number, and the associated to that room. It's possible for the hotel to expand, in which case a manager must be able to enter in the new added rooms to the system. It's also possible that some rooms were removed from the hotel for some purpose and must be removed from the system. When you click on this button a new window will pop up allowing you to add a new room, delete a room, change the room type for a specific room, and perform searches on a room.
Room Type Information:
Similar to the Room Information, it's possible that the hotel adds an extra type of room (for instance a Suite) to the system. Clicking on this button brings up a new window allowing you to add a new room type, delete a room type, search for a room type, or modify the cost for a room type.
Security Levels:
Every employee in the system is assigned to a specific security level. This button brings up a window allowing you to add new security levels, delete security levels permanently, and modify the security name.
Employee Information:
Managers must be able to change the status of their employees on a regular basis as well as search. Clicking on this button will bring up a new window allowing you to add a new employee, delete an employee, change an employees password, change personal information about an employee, change an employees security level, and search for employees.
Fee Information:
All modifications to room service fees, are considered a restricted function that only managers should have access to. This button, when clicked, brings up a new window allowing you to add a new fee, delete a fee, and adjust the cost for a particular fee.
Tax/GST Adjustment:
All room service fees must be taxed provincially and federally (the GST). It's possible that the taxes will change in the future. Managers have permission to make these adjustments. Clicking on the Tax/GST Adjustment button brings up a new window for making these adjustments.
Credit Card Type Information:
Since the system keeps track of the type of credit cards customers use (ie: Visa or Mastercard), managers can specify which credit cards are not acceptable by not adding them to the database. Clicking this button will bring you to a new window allowing the addition of new credit card types, deletion of credit card types, and modifications of the credit card type name.
Go Back to Main:
Clicking on this button will take the user back to the main system page.
Clicking on the Logout button allows you to log off the system. This function can be performed from the main screen, or from here.
As with any good system, should you ever be lost or confused at some point, clicking on this button will bring you to a help system, which will aid you on the use of the system.

Room Information Screen and Functions:

Available Functions:

  1. Adding a New Room
  2. Deleting an Existing Room
  3. Search for Specific Room or Rooms
  4. Change Room Type for Existing Room
  5. Close Window
    Note: All of the examples given in the following sections are assuming that you are currently at the Room Information Screen as viewed above.

    Adding a New Room

    Adding a new room to the system, is likely to be performed if there is an expansion of the hotel system, otherwise this function is rarely performed. When adding a new room to the system, you must assign a room number yourself manually(computer will not automatically assign it) and you must also determine the room type (ie: Deluxe, Single, Double) that the room will be assigned to. Be reminded that when you add a new room to the system, the room is considered available immediatly, which means Front Desk may possibly book it also. In otherwards don't add a room to the database until you know it is bookable first.

    • For example, suppose you wish to add room number 405 (a Single room) to the database. Here is how you would go about doing this:

    1. Click the Add button located at the bottom left of the screen with the mouse - you should notice that the screen will add a new row to the list box located above the buttons on the screen. This is where the information will be entered.
    2. You should notice that the cursor (blinking) is located in the Room Number column. If it isn't use the mouse to click onto the blank location under Room Number.
    3. Type the Room Number 405 into the blank location with the keyboard. If the Room already exists the system will let you know.
    4. Either press the Enter key or the Tab key after entering the correct text. The cursor should automatically move to the next column; the Room Type column. You should also notice that the Room Status column automatically fills in 'available' for you. You can also use the mouse by clicking in the blank location under Room Type.
    5. You will notice a small black arrow pointing downwards directly to the right of the column. Click on this arrow to bring down a menu of choices for Room Type that exist in the system already.
    6. If you do not see the Room Type you want, then it's because it has not been added to the system. You will have to add this first before continuing this step.
    7. Otherwise use the mouse and click on the choice you want. (In this case choose Single. You should see the selection then appear in the column appropriately.
    8. Task is completed.
    If you wish to cancel this operation before all the information has been entered, simply click outside of the new row, and the system will notify you that the row was not added because you didn't complete all of the necessary information.

    Delete an Existing Room

    This function will remove a specific room from the database permanently. Once a room has been removed it is not recoverable, so caution must be taken when using this function. It is likely that this function is used unless some renovations occur in the hotel. In order to remove a room permanently from the database, you must specify the room number of the room that is intended to be removed.

    • For example, suppose we wish to remove room 405 that was added in the example provided in the Add New Room function.

    1. There are a couple of ways to do this. The first method is by using the list box at the top of the screen. You can use the arrows that point up and down located on the right side of the list box to scroll through the rooms until you reach the number you require. Use the mouse to click on the arrows.
    2. You can also select the block located inbetween the arrows on the scrollbar and drag the listbox down or up until you reach the room you require. This is probably faster.
    3. The other way is a bit more complex. You could execute a search first, in case you are having trouble finding the room number for some reason, or because there are a large number of rooms in the database already.
    4. No matter how you find the room, once you have the correct room appearing in the list box at the top of the screen, highlight it with the mouse. A dark box should appear on the row, indicating that it has been selected.
    5. Click on the DELETE key at the bottom of the screen. You will see a confirmation box asking you whether this is really what you want to do or not. If this is correct, select YES. If you change your mind, select the CANCEL key.
    6. If you selected YES, the box will disappear and you will view the list box again, but the row with the room will have been deleted.
    As stated earlier, to cancel the deletion, when you get to the confirmation box just click on the CANCEL key and the selected room won't be deleted.

    Search for Existing Room(s)

    Searching for a room is generally used for deleting a specific room that you couldn't find by means of the listbox at the top of the screen. If you would like to look up the status of a room or the name of the guest in that room it might be easier to execute one of the Front Desk functions instead. Searches use a couple of criteria. You can enter the room number, if you are interested in looking up a specific room, or you can enter a room type. Searching by room type will return a list of all rooms of that type, whereas searching a specific room will return only one room.

    • For example suppose we would like to search for all Single rooms in the hotel

    1. Using the mouse, click on the SEARCH button at the bottom of the screen.
    2. This menu will appear:
      Insert the search screen menu
    3. The cursor (blinking) will be located automatically in the Room Number box. If you were searching for a specific room you would enter the number in here and then click on PERFORM located at the bottom of the screen.
    4. To search by Room Type however, you use the mouse to click on the black arrow that points downwards located to the right of the Room Type box. This will bring a selection menu of existing room types for you.
    5. With the mouse highlight Single by moving the mouse on top of that selection. If the selection does not appear in the list automatically, try scrolling up or down (by means of the arrows that appear to the right of this list) until you find the Room Type you require.
    6. Click the mouse button while overtop of the Room Type you want. The list box should disappear and the Room Type Name will appear in the box.
    7. Select the PERFORM button at this point.
    8. When the search is completed the search box will disappear, and you will be looking at the Room Information screen again. The results of your search will appear in the list box at the top of the screen (rather than the entire list of rooms).
    If you should with to cancel your search, you can by clicking the CANCEL key on the search screen menu. Once a search is performed however, you can not cancel your search.

    Change Room Type for a Room

    It is quite possible that after renovations, room types have changed. Once again this function will rarely be executed also unless big changes occur in the physical set up of the hotel. In order to change the room type for a room, you need to know the Room Number, and the new Room Type. (Note: The Room Type must already be entered into the database, so if a new Room Type is being used, make sure to add it first before modifying the room).

    • For example suppose that the room 405 which was originally a Single room, was changed so that it could now hold more people, say a Double.

    1. In the list box, either use the Search function to find the room you are looking for, or scroll up or down the scroll bar located to the right side of the list box with the mouse. For us scroll down to 405
    2. When you have found the row containing the room that you wish to modify, simple click (with the mouse) on the arrow to the right of the room type column. Select the new type of Room Type that you wish to choose. In this case Highlight with the mouse, the Double choice from the list. Click on the selection and it will appear in the room type column. The Room has now been modified.
    To cancel this operation, you simply go back to the room type and rehighlight the choice that was there before.

    Close the Window

    Closing the Window is used to close the current window, the Room Information screen in this case. When you click on the CLOSE button at the bottom right of the screen, you will be taken back to the main management screen (the first screen shot in this document).

    Room Type Information Screen and Functions:

    Available Functions:

    1. Adding a New Room Type
    2. Deleting an Existing Room Type
    3. Search for Specific Room Type
    4. Change Cost for a Room Type
    5. Close Window Note: All of the examples given in the following sections are assuming that you are currently at the Room Type Information Screen as viewed above.

      Adding a New Room Type

      This function will allow you to create a new type of room for the database. It could be because there were new renovations to the hotel and an extra room type was created, or possibly that there was a new addition to the hotel. In order to add a new room type to the database, you need to know the name of the type you are creating and it's room rate value.

      • For example, suppose that a new addition did occur, and the hotel added a new room type called Suite which is $450/night.

      1. Using the mouse, click on the ADD button located at the bottom left of the Room Type Information screen.
      2. A blank row will automatically be added to the list box located at the top of the window. The cursor will be blinking in the Room Type Name field.
      3. If the cursor is not located there, use the mouse to click onto the blank location under the Room Type Name column.
      4. Using the keyboard enter in the name Suite into the blank location. You will notice that a number will automatically appear in the Room Type ID field. This is for the softwares sake.
      5. Once you press enter or tab the cursor will automatically move to the room rate column. You can also use the mouse to click into the blank location under room rate if you like. But be forwarned if you click anywhere else outside of the row, the system assumes that's all the information you were adding.
      6. Enter in the room rate 450under the room rate column. It is not necessary to enter dollar signs for this column.
      7. Click the mouse anywhere outside of the list box now, and the new room type will be added. It should appear in the list box now.
      To Cancel the adding operation, you can click anywhere outside of the listbox while you are in the process of adding the new room type. If you have already completed all of the fields and information, simply go and deleted the room type instead (see Deleting next).

      Delete an Existing Room Type

      Deletion of a room type will not occur frequently, but it is possible for changes in the hotel to occur which completely remove a room type. Once a type has been deleted however it is not recoverable, unless you add the new type into the system again. In order to delete a room type, you need to know the name of the type that you intend to remove. The system will not allow you to delete an existing room type however, if there are rooms in the database still recorded as having that room type. You must go and modify the room type for these rooms first.

      • For example suppose that the Deluxe room type needs to be deleted since no rooms in the hotel require this room type anymore.

      1. The list box screen should show all Room Types that exist in the database. Since the list will be fairly small, no search function is provided by the system. Instead use the scroll bar located to the right side of the list box. With the mouse scroll up or down until you find the Room Type Name you are looking for. You can also click on the solid box in the middle of the scroll bar to scan up or down.
      2. With the mouse click near the left side of the screen on the row that you wish to delete. This will select the row by highlighting it. In this instance, select the Deluxe from the list box.
      3. To actually delete the selected row, click on the DELETE button located at the bottom of the window, underneath the list box.
      4. After you click this button, a confirmation window will pop up asking you if this is really what you would like to do. At this point, if you decide not to delete the room type from the system you can click on the CANCEL key in the confirmation box, and the operation will be cancelled.
      5. If you still want to delete the room type click the YES key in the confirmation box. The confirmation window will disappear from the screen, and you will be viewing the Room Type Information screen again. The row that you deleted will not appear in the list box anymore.

      Search for Existing Room Type

      This function will allow you to look up a specific room type name, for whatever reason. (Probably to change the cost for the room type mind you). You need to know the name of the Room Type that you intend to look up first.

      • For example, suppose that we would like to look up the cost per day for a Single room.
      1. Since the number of room types will likely be fairly limited in the system, there is no search key. Searching for a specific room type name can be done by means of the list box on the Room Type Information screen. Use the scroll bar on the right side of the list box to scan up or down until you find the name that you are looking for. The list is always sorted in alphabetical order of the Room Type Name, so it should be easy to find.
      There isn't much need to cancel the operation since you are using the list box. If you decide that you want to look for something else instead, then use the list box to go scan for it instead.

      Change Costs for a Room Type

      Updating the cost for a particular room type, will be one of the functions managers do perform more frequently. It's possible that the room rates change every month or more in fact. In order to chance the cost for a particular room type, you must know which room type is it that you intend to modify and the new cost to be entered.

      • For example, suppose that a Single room has increased in cost from $250.00/day to $300.00/day due to the summer holidays.
      1. Before any modifications can be entered to the cost, you must first find the correct room type name from the list box on the Room Type Information screen. To do this read up on how to search for a particular room type.
      2. Once you have found correct room type to modify, in this case a Single you can use the mouse to click onto the text which states $250.00 currently. It should be found under the Room Rate column, and in the row which correctly relates to a Single room.
      3. Clicking into the box will cause the text inside the box to be highlighted. You can simply type overtop of the text with the new value 300 (Note that the dollar sign is unnecessary) which will replace the old contents. You can also press the 'delete' key on the keyboard, and then type the new contents.
      4. As soon as you use the mouse to click anywhere outside of the box, the contents will become updated to the new cost. If you press 'enter' on the keyboard this will also indicate to the system, that the text has been entered. The cursor will move to the next row automatically.
        If you wish to cancel this operation after having entered a value, you can as long as you perform this before pressing enter, or clicking outside of the box. By pressing the 'escape' key on the keyboard, you will cancel the operation. The system will simply place the old cost contents back into the text box for you.

      Close the Window

      Closing the Window is used to close the current window, the Room Type Information screen in this case. When you click on the CLOSE button at the bottom right of the screen, you will be taken back to the main management screen (the first screen shot in this document).

      This screen is nice- It will be easy to alter secutiry levels.

      Security Level Screen And Functions

      Available Functions:

      1. Adding a New Security Level
      2. Deleting an Existing Security Level
      3. Modify an Existing Security Level Name
      4. Close Window
        Note: All of the examples given in the following sections are assuming that you are currently at the Security Level Information Screen as viewed above.

        Adding a New Security Level

        Adding a new security level may be required if you wish to change how the security hieracry of the hotel works. Below is the procedure for adding a new scurity type to the database.
        1. Click the Add button located at the bottom left of the screen - you should notice that the screen will add a new row to the list box located above the buttons on the screen. This is where the information will be entered.
        2. The blinking cursor should now be located in the Type column. If it isn't use the mouse to click onto the blank location under Type.
        3. Type in the security type that you desire.
        4. Either press the Enter key or the Tab key after entering the correct text to proceed to the Name column.
        5. Now enter the new name for the security type you are adding and press enter.
        If you wish to cancel this operation before all the information has been entered, simply click outside of the new row, and the system will notify you that the row was not added because you didn't complete all of the necessary information.

        Deleting an Existing Security Level

        To delete an existing security level from the database, simply complete the following steps. The system will notify you if there are still employees with that security level in the system.
        1. Locate the security level you wish to delete in the list box.
        2. Click once on the line containing the security level to delete so that it is selected/highlighted.
        3. Click on the delete button at the bottom of the screen. A confirmation dialog should then appear.
        4. Either cancel the operation by clicking cancel, or press OK, in which case the security level should then dissapear from the list.
        5. If the security level still has employees assigned to it, the system will warn you.
        As stated earlier, to cancel the deletion, when you get to the confirmation box just click on the CANCEL key and the selected room won't be deleted.

        Modify an Existing Security Level Name

        Renaming a security level may be required if you decide that the name doesn't reflect exactly what the security level represents. Below is how to change the name of a security level.
        1. Locate the security level you wish to rename in the list box.
        2. Double click on the name column of the line containing the security level to rename.
        3. The security level name should be selected. Now type in the new name.
        4. Press return and the name is changed.

        Close the Window

        Closing the Window is used to close the current window, the Security level Information Screen in this case. When you click on the CLOSE button at the bottom right of the screen, you will be taken back to the main management screen (the first screen shot in this document).

        Employee Information Screen And Functions

        Available Functions:

        1. Adding New Employee
        2. Deleting an Existing Employee
        3. Change an Employees Information/Secuity Level
        4. Change Employees Password
        5. Search For Employees
          Note: All of the examples given in the following sections are assuming that you are currently at the Employee Information Screen as viewed above.

          Adding A New Employee

          To add an employee to the database is a fairly simply task. All you'll need to know are the employees name and the desired security level for the employee. You'll also need to assign a default password for the employee.
          1. Click the Add button located at the bottom left of the screen - you should notice that the screen will add a new row to the list box located above the buttons on the screen. This is where the information will be entered.
          2. The blinking cursor should now be located in the Last Name column. If it isn't use the mouse to click onto the blank location. Note that employee IDs are automatically assigned.
          3. Type in the employees Last Name and press return. You should now be in the First Name column. Enter the employees first name and press return.
          4. Now choose the desired security level for the employee from the list box in the security type column.
          5. If you wish to add a password for the employee, click on the change password button at the bottom of the screen. Follow the steps for changing an employees password.
          If you wish to cancel this operation before all the information has been entered, simply click outside of the new row, and the system will notify you that the row was not added because you didn't complete all of the necessary information.

          Deleting an Existing Employee

          If you wish to delete an employee from the system, simply complete the following steps:
          1. Locate the employee you wish to delete in the list box.
          2. Click once on the line containing the employee to delete so that it is selected/highlighted.
          3. Click on the delete button at the bottom of the screen. A confirmation dialog should then appear.
          4. Either cancel the operation by clicking cancel, or press OK, in which case the employee should then dissapear from the list.
          As stated earlier, to cancel the deletion, when you get to the confirmation box just click on the CANCEL key and the selected employee won't be deleted.

          Change an Employees Information/Secuity Level

          You can change information about an employee at any time. Things that can be changed are the first and last name, the security information, or the employees password. To change the employees first or last name or the employees security level, complete the following steps. To change the employees password, follow the steps in Change Employee Password.
          1. Locate the employee that you wish to change the information for.
          2. If you are changing the employees first or last names, simply double click on the appropriate column in the list box and type in the new information. Press return when done.
          3. If you are changing the employees security level, simply select the new security level from the list box in the security level column.

          Change Employee Password

          You can change an employees password at any time by completing the following steps:
          1. Locate the employee that you wish to change the password for.
          2. Click once on the employees entry in the list box to select the employee.
          3. Click on the Change Password button. This will display a new dialog.
          4. Type the new password into both the new password and verify password fields.
          5. Press the OK button to proceed, or the cancel button to cancel the operation. The system will inform you if the passwords don't match or if the passwords are invalid.
          6. The password has now been changed.

          Search For Employees

          Sometimes the list of employees can get a little bit unmanageable. To search for a certain employee, or for classes of employees (eg. All employees with front desk security), you can use the employee search feature. Simply complete the following steps.
          1. Click on the search button at the bottom of the screen. This will display a new dialog.
          2. Type in the criteria to search for into the fields, or select the criteria from the popup menus. Any fields that are left blank are assumed not to count in the search (ie. They will match all employees)
          3. Click on the perform search button. If you decide at this point not to search, simply click cancel instead.
          4. The search diaog will dissapear and the employee list will change to reflect the results of the search.
          5. Now all other employee operations can be done on the smaller selection of employees. Note that the other employees have NOT been deleted from the system.

          Fee Information Screen and Functions:

          Available Functions:

          1. Adding a New Fee
          2. Deleting an Existing Fee
          3. Adjust Cost for Existing Item
          4. Close Window
            Note: All of the examples given in the following sections are assuming that you are currently at the Fee Information Screen as viewed above.

            Adding a New Fee

            Adding a new fee to the system, is likely to be performed if there is an adition of the hotel's products and services catalog. When adding a new fee to the system, you must enter the description (ie: Service: Room-Massage service; Food: Fresh oranges; etc. )and the cost of that item. The computer will automatically assign an item number corresponding to the new fee entered. Be reminded that when you add a new fee to the system, the fee is considered available immediatly, which means that the Hotel can provide this service or this product. In otherwards don't add an item to the database until you know it is available first.

            • For example, suppose you wish to add Crystal Water at a price of $2.50 to the database. Here is how you would go about doing this:

            1. Click the Add button located at the bottom left of the screen - you should notice that the screen will add a new row to the list box located above the buttons on the screen. This is where the information will be entered.
            2. You should notice that the cursor (blinking) is located in the Item Description column. If it isn't use the mouse to click onto the blank location under Item Description. The computer should automatically assign an Item Number also. You should fill out the description of the produce, Product: Crystal Water.
            3. Either press the Enter key or the Tab key after entering the correct text. The cursor should automatically move to the next column; the Item Cost. You can also use the mouse by clicking in the blank location under Item Cost.
            4. You should fill the price of the product or service,$2.50.
            5. Task is completed.
            If you wish to cancel this operation before all the information has been entered, simply click outside of the new row, and the system will notify you that the row was not added because you didn't complete all of the necessary information.

            Delete an Existing Fee

            This function will remove a specific fee from the database permanently. Once a fee has been removed it is not recoverable, so caution must be taken when using this function. It is likely that this function is used unless some products or services are not available anymore in the hotel. In order to remove a fee permanently from the database, you must specify the item number or the description of the product or service that is intended to be removed.

            • For example, suppose we wish to remove item 10200 that was added in the example provided in the Add New Fee function.

            1. There are a couple of ways to do this. The first method is by using the list box at the top of the screen. You can use the arrows that point up and down located on the right side of the list box to scroll through the items until you reach the number you require. Use the mouse to click on the arrows.
            2. You can also select the block located in between the arrows on the scrollbar and drag the listbox down or up until you reach the item you require. This is probably faster.
            3. The other way is a bit more complex. You could execute a search first, in case you are having trouble finding the item number for some reason, or because there are a large number of items in the database already.
            4. No matter how you find the room, once you have the correct item appearing in the list box at the top of the screen, highlight it with the mouse. A dark box should appear on the row, indicating that it has been selected.
            5. Click on the DELETE key at the bottom of the screen. You will see a confirmation box asking you whether this is really what you want to do or not. If this is correct, select YES. If you change your mind, select the CANCEL key.
            6. If you selected YES, the box will disappear and you will view the list box again, but the row with the item will have been deleted.
            As stated earlier, to cancel the deletion, when you get to the confirmation box just click on the CANCEL key and the selected item won't be deleted.

            Adjust Cost for an existing Item

            It is quite possible that after a time, items cost changes. In order to change the Cost for an Item, you need to know the Cost Description, and the new Cost.

            • For example suppose that the Crystal Water costed $2.50 but now it costs $3.00.

            1. In the list box, either use the Search function to find the item you are looking for, or scroll up or down the scroll bar located to the right side of the list box with the mouse. For using scroll down to Crystal Water
            2. When you have found the row containing the item that you wish to modify, simple click (with the mouse) on the box of the Item Cost column. Type the new cost of the Item. In this case Type 3.00. The Item has now been modified.
            To cancel this operation, you simply go back to the Item Cost and retype the previews cost.

            Close the Window

            Closing the Window is used to close the current window, the Fee Information screen in this case. When you click on the CLOSE button at the bottom right of the screen, you will be taken back to the main management screen (the first screen shot in this document).

            Tax/GST Adjustment

            Available Functions:

            1. Tax/GST Adjustment
            2. Close Window
              Note: All of the examples given in the following sections are assuming that you are currently at the Fee Information Screen as viewed above.

              Tax/GST Ajustment

              Adjusting the Tax/GST rate is likely to be performed if there is a change in the governments policy of income taxes. When adjusting the Tax/GST rate you only have to type the new Tax or the new GST in the box. Be reminded that when you adjust the Tax/GST rate in the system, the rate is immediatly in use after you finish this task.

              • For example, suppose you wish to rise the Tax rate to 15% where previously was found at a rate of 7%. Here is how you would go about doing this:

              1. Click in the TAX box - you should notice that the cursor will then apear in the desired box.
              2. After you have chosen the right box, type the desired tax rate, in this case .15.After typoing the desired rate press the Close button located at the bottom right part of the screen.
              3. Task is completed.
              If you wish to cancel this operation simply click in the desired box and retype the previous Tax rate.

              Close the Window

              Closing the Window is used to close the current window, the Tax/GST Adjustment screen in this case. When you click on the CLOSE button at the bottom right of the screen, you will be taken back to the main management screen (the first screen shot in this document).

              Credit Card Type Information Screen and Functions:

              Available Functions:

              1. Adding a New Credit Card Type
              2. Deleting an Existing Credit Card Type
              3. Adjust Description for a Credit Card
              4. Close Window
                Note: All of the examples given in the following sections are assuming that you are currently at the Credit Card Type Information Screen as viewed above.

                Adding a New Card

                Adding a new Credit Card to the system, is likely to be performed if there is a new Credit Card Type in the Market. When adding a new Credit Card to the system you must know the name of the credit card. An ID number will automatically be assigned by the computer to the credit card.

                • For example, suppose you wish to add Luxurious Card to the database. Here is how you would go about doing this:

                1. Click the Add button located at the bottom left of the screen - you should notice that the screen will add a new row to the list box located above the buttons on the screen. This is where the information will be entered.
                2. You should notice that the cursor (blinking) is located in the Credit Card Id column. If it isn't use the mouse to click onto the blank location under Credit Card ID.
                3. Type the ID Number according to the Hotel's policy, i.e. 010 into the blank location with the keyboard. If the ID Number already exists the system will let you know.
                4. Either press the Enter key or the Tab key after entering the correct text. The cursor should automatically move to the next column; the Credit Card Name column. You can also use the mouse by clicking in the blank location under Credit Card Name.
                5. You should fill out the name of the credit card, Luxurius Card.
                6. Either press the enter key or the Tab key after entering the correct text.
                7. Task is completed.
                If you wish to cancel this operation before all the information has been entered, simply click outside of the new row, and the system will notify you that the row was not added because you didn't complete all of the necessary information.

                Delete an Existing Credit Card Type

                This function will remove a specific Credit Card type from the database permanently. Once a Credit Card type has been removed it is not recoverable, so caution must be taken when using this function. It is unlikely that this function is used unless a Credit Card Type would be out of market at a certain time. In order to remove a Credit Card Type permanently from the database, you must specify either the ID number or the name of the Credit Card that is intended to be removed.

                • For example, suppose we wish to remove the Luxurious Card type that was added in the example provided in the Add New Credit Card Type function.

                1. There are a couple of ways to do this. The first method is by using the list box at the top of the screen. You can use the arrows that point up and down located on the right side of the list box to scroll through the items until you reach the number you require. Use the mouse to click on the arrows.
                2. You can also select the block located in between the arrows on the scrollbar and drag the listbox down or up until you reach the item you require. This is probably faster.
                3. No matter how you find the Credit Card Type, once you have the correct card appearing in the list box at the top of the screen, highlight it with the mouse. A dark box should appear on the row, indicating that it has been selected.
                4. Click on the DELETE key at the bottom of the screen. You will see a confirmation box asking you whether this is really what you want to do or not. If this is correct, select YES. If you change your mind, select the CANCEL key.
                5. If you selected YES, the box will disappear and you will view the list box again, but the row with the item will have been deleted.
                As stated earlier, to cancel the deletion, when you get to the confirmation box just click on the CANCEL key and the selected Credit Card won't be deleted.

                Modify Credit Card type

                It is quite possible that after you enter a Credit Card Type you'll notice that there is a mistake in the name of the credit card. In order to change the Data for that Credit Card, you need to know the incorrect credit card name and the new credit card name.

                • For example suppose that the correct name of the Luxurious Card type is Luxury Card

                1. In the list box, scroll up or down the scroll bar located to the right side of the list box with the mouse. For using scroll down to Luxurious Card
                2. When you have found the row containing the Credit Card that you wish to modify, simple click (with the mouse) on the box of the Credit Card name column. Type the new name of the Credit Card. In this case Type Luxury Card. The Item has now been modified.
                To cancel this operation, you simply go back to the Credit Card Name and retype the previews name.

                Close the Window

                Closing the Window is used to close the current window, the Credit Card Type Information screen in this case. When you click on the CLOSE button at the bottom right of the screen, you will be taken back to the main management screen (the first screen shot in this document).

                Miscellaneous Functions

                Available Functions:

                1. Go Back To The Main Menu
                2. Logging Out
                3. Getting Help

                  Go Back To The Main Menu

                  When you are finished with any management function, you can go back to the main menu to perform several other functions. Clicking on the Go Back to Main button will take you back to the Main System Menu and out of the Management Functions Screen.

                  Logging Off The System

                  Logging off the system can be done directly from the Management Functions Main Menu. Simply click on the Logout button located near the bottom of the list, and you will be officially logged off the system.


                  Help is continually available at all screens on the system. Should the need arise, you can click on the Help button located near the bottom of the list on the Management's Main Function Screen, and a new window will appear over top of the previous window with a help facility.