Dairy- Air
Your Fly by Nite Airline

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If we are unable to provide space on a flight due to overbooking then the customer is compensated. Money is refunded and upon rebooking of the flight, the customer receives a 50% discount on the ticket. If this happens again, the customer receives a further (cumulative) 50% discount etc.


There are 2 security levels for each subsystem. The highest level of security will allow the user to access and change data in a subsystem. The other level will allow only read access to a subsystem. The read & write access to the flight system should also allow read access to the flight subsystem for ease of use.


Accounting reports required include the following,

  1. Revenue sheet - daily, monthly and yearly account of revenues for the entire company.
                             Dairy-Air Airlines
                             Revenue Sheet as of
                                Jan 20, 1997
    Total Company - Net Revenue $K
    Flight          current day total   Jan     Feb   ...  Dec      Year to date
    ------------    -----------------   ------  ------ ... ------   ------------
    Calgary to Vancouver (Flight #6)
    Gross Revenue      120,000.00         xxx     xxx        xxx   5,678,000.00
    Refunds              2,000.00         xxx     xxx        xxx       5,000.00 
    Compensation           500.00         xxx     xxx        xxx       6,000.00
                    ================   ======  ======     ======   ============
                       xxxxxxx.xx         xxx     xxx        xxx   xxxxxxxxx.xx
    Calgary to Toronto (Flight #7)
    Gross Revenue      120,000.00         xxx     xxx        xxx   5,678,000.00
    Refunds              2,000.00         xxx     xxx        xxx       5,000.00 
    Compensation           500.00         xxx     xxx        xxx       6,000.00
                    ================   ======  ======     ======   ============
                       xxxxxxx.xx         xxx     xxx        xxx   xxxxxxxxx.xx
                                                      Net Revenue  xxxxxxxxx.xx
  2. Flight sheet - daily, monthly and yearly account of revenues on individual flights. Should at least include information on the,
                             Dairy-Air Airlines
                                Flight Sheet
                                Jan 20, 1997
    Clg to Van #6  
                 Maximum     Number    Flew(%)    Booked(%)  Number          Compensated     Gross      Total
                 Capacity    Flew      Capacity   Capacity   Compensated       Amount       Revenues   Revenues
                 --------    ------    --------   --------   -----------     -----------    --------   --------
    Day               300       300         100      100.3            10            $500      xxxxxx    xxxxxxx
    Jan            90,000    90,000          xx         xx            1             $50      xxxxxx    xxxxxxx
    Dec            xx,xxx    xx,xxx          xx         xx            xx              xx      xxxxxx    xxxxxxx
    ----------   --------    ------    ---------  ---------  -----------     -----------    --------   --------
  3. Compensation sheet - a report listing the number of people compensated per month and the total value of the discounting broken down into fights. It should also give warnings as to which flights have people compensated more than once.
       FLIGHT          # of people compensated       Total amount
       -----------     -----------------------       ------------ 
       Clg to Tor                5                          $250
       Clg to Edm                3                          $150
            :                    :                            :
       -----------     -----------------------       ------------ 
       Total                     8                          $400

All of the above reports should be viewable on the screen and printable for analysis. The above tables are only examples, more detail or a different style may be used if it is better (we hold the right to define 'better').

Questions And Answers

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  1. Could you please clarify how the reservation/ticket/boarding system works. It seems that only a reservation and a boarding pass are realy required. What purpose does the ticket serve if they pick them up at the airport and then go and get a boarding pass.

    You can imagine the tickets as a general receipt of the flight. Note: no refunds will be done unless the tickets are returned to prevent people from booking and cancelling flights to take advantage of business tax write offs.

  2. What info does the reservation number require? Is there reference to the flight number? destination? date it was booked?

    The res. number is an automatically assigned number for each flight reservation. It is used to uniquely identify the reservation, which leads to the information in the reservation form.

  3. Is there a time frame for when the ticket has to be paid? If not, we felt that the insurance was really a moot point as a customer can hold the ticket with a small deposit( say the price of the insurance) and wouldn't pay the balance until he/she had secured a boarding pass.

    Insurance allows a customer to cancel the ticket and receive a refund if they want to. If a seat is availible and no insurance is purchased then the customer will not receive a refund. NOTE: To get a ticket a person would have to pay in full first.

  4. I presume you will give us a list of security clearances for different levels of personnel. (eg. those who can change flight data or reservation data)

    Please see above Security section.