Web Grids

Table of Contents.

Part I

Desrciption of Grid Created

The grid created was based on proffesional sports. I used elements such as Volleyball, Basketball, Boxing, Hockey, Football, Soccer, Handball, and Golf. These are all a variety of sports that contrast in many ways. So for the constructs I used high/low pay, indoor/outdoor sport, team/individual sport, seies/match sport, and contact/non contact sports.

Here is the display of the grid results:

Comments on Initial Impressions

I found the web grid quite easy to use. Although most matches of sports and constructs were very accurate, I found the description of the functions to be very hard to understand ex: "PrinCom". The graphs were pretty accurate although my sports and constructs were pretty well very dispurse.

Here is the link to the WEB Grid

Part II

Developing Constructs

I constructed my constructs using the triad function which I found to be quite hard since the elements picked by this function are sometimes irrelivant of each other and may contain no main contrast in one of the three. I constructed in total six constructs which seemed quite suffecient with ten elements.

Description Of The Grid

The grid produced is using the cpsc 547 topics presented as elements and all the constructs are created by using the triad function. The elements include: Electronic Publishing, Virtual Reality, Multimedia and HyperMedia, Visual Programming, Cross Platform GUI, Object Oriented Systems, Knowlege Based Systems, Digital Libraries, Information Highways, and Broad Band Networks. The constructs used in the grid are graphical/non graphical, multimedia, object oriented, networked, games, and price.

Here is the display of the grid results:

Comparrisons Of The Grids

Here is the comparrison results:

Non Object Oriented / Object Oriented VS. Application / Development Tool
Contrast -- Both terminology and destinction are completly different. My constructs were attributes of an application, Dr. Gaines' were diffrent types of applications.

Non Graphical / Graphical VS. Target On Overall System / Target On Interface
Contrast -- Both terminology and destinction are completly different. My constructs were attributes of an application, Dr. Gaines' were looks of application.

Multi Media Application / Non Multi Media VS. System Tool / Human-oriented Tool
Contrast -- Both terminology and destinction are completly different. My constructs were attributes of an application, Dr. Gaines' were looks of application.

Expensive / Cheap VS. Novel Communication / Conventional Communications
Correspondence -- Both terminology are diffrent but the distinction is the same because my constructs are attributes of Dr. Gaines'.

Networked Application / Non Networked VS. Application / Development Tool
Conflict -- Both terminology are the same and destinction are completly different. My constructs were attributes of an application.

No Games / Games VS. Conventional Communication / Novel Communication
Contrast -- Both terminology and destinction are completly different.

Here is the link to the WEB Grid

Part III

Desrciption of Grid Created

The grid created was based on object oriented systems. For my elements, I used obect oriented programming, object oriented databases, object oriented operating systems, object linking and embedding, object oriented graphics systems, and object oriented desktop systems. These are all a variety of sports that contrast in many ways. So for the constructs I used programmin/mon programming language, cheap/expensive, Easy/Hard to use, multi/single platform, and user/programmer software.

Here is the display of the grid results:

Analasys Of The Grid

The matching of elements and constructs is fairly accurate. Object Oriented Desktop Publishers and Object Linking and Embedding match with 80%. This is accurate since both of them are overlapping in many ways. The constructs got matched with easy to use and user software, which is pretty accurate sice user software is usually very user friendly. The rest of the matches made are not really accurate but they are close.

Focus -- This displays all the elements in a chart with the value of the constructs to each element. As we can see the closely related elements will be the same color as the others. For example: Object oriented programming and operating systems are both hard to use and they are both the same color.
Here is the display of the focus graph:

Princom -- This displays on an axis the elements with the constructs as lines on top of the axis. This gives us a good idea of what is closely related and what is not. For example, OLE and Object Oriented Desktop Publishers are on the left middle side and the object oriented programming is on the opposite side which makes sence since they are very diffrent elements.
Here is the display of the princom graph:

Here is the link to the WEB Grid

Conclusion (Web Grids)

Web Grid is a vey simple and helpfut tool used on the internet. I found it to be very good for making comparrisons and matching diffrent elements with certain constructs. It is essential to be consistent with the ratings in order to get the best comparrison analasys.