09:15 Welcome by the President, Professor Murray Fraser, on behalf of the University of Calgary.
09:20 Introduction to the workshop by the Minister, the Hon. Jon Gerrard, Secretary of State for Science and Technology.
09:30 Presentation by Dr. Brian Gaines (Computer Science)
International cross-disciplinary university-industry research
09:38 Presentation by Dr. Penelope W. Codding (Chemistry)
From X-rays to designing drugs
09:45 Presentation by Dr. Cooper Langford VP (Research) University of Calgary
A University View of the New R&D Climate
10:00 Participants move to break out rooms.
Working Session #1 "How can science and technology best contribute to the creation of wealth and jobs, within the context of sustainable development?"
10:30 Coffee break
10:35 Resume Working Session #1
11:30 Return to Lab.
Reporters from each group give 2-3 min resume of findings.
12:00 Sandwich lunch
12:30 Presentation by Dr. Samuel Weiss (Pharmacology and Therapeutics)
Neurospheres: A Biotechnology Company Developed through Government/Private Sector/University Co-operation.
12:40 Participants move to break out rooms
Working Session #2 "What can the federal government do to foster a culture within which science and technology will flourish?"
13:35 Return to Lab.
Reporters from each group give 2-3 min resume of findings.
14:05 Participants move to break out rooms
Working Session #3 "How can we best use the knowledge generated by science and technology to enhance the quality of life for Canadians?"
15:00 Return to Lab.
Reporters from each group give 2-3 min resume of findings.
15:30 Plenary session. Discussion of improvements to process and possible initiatives for continuing consultation.
16:00 Concluding remarks by the Minister and the University.
16:30 Workshop closes
Georgine Ulmer (Industry Canada, Manager of Calgary Office)
Dr. Gordon Neish, Assistant Director Lethbridge Research Station, Agriculture Canada.
Ken Putt, representing IRAP
Carla Campbell, Public Relations: Industry Canada
Grant Kaiser, Natural Resources Canada
(References to discussion groups, e.g. C&L-2 refers to Session 2 in the Coopers and Lybrand room. FS refers to individual speakers at the final wrap-up session)
Achieving a balance between Basic and Applied research funding is a major task of a S&T strategy (TM-1; C&L-1; BR-1; TU-1). At least one group (TM-2) thought that all applied research should be in the private sector, market driven and rewarded only by financial success.
It was desirable to develop a more symmetrical market in which the multiplicity of research providers was matched with at least a plurality of investors in the research process (C. Langford).
SMEs should collaborate through consortia to achieve [a critical mass of pre-competitive] research (C&L-1)
Assessment standards should be periodically reviewed (CanSup-2). Knowledge will help to prioritize (CS-3).
It is important to take into account the secondary and tertiary benefits when evaluating research (FS)
One speaker suggested the need for a programme for the study of impact assessment (FS). The Minister also referred to this problem in FS. Dr.Langford referred to measured versus perceived risk.
Communication of research results to potential entrepreneurs needs to be improved. (C&L-1; BR-1; TU-1) The conflicting claims of pre-publication confidentiality are recognised. (C&L-1). CISTI and the Electronic Network need to be expanded (TU-2). Research data collected by government agencies and institutions need to be made more widely available (TU-2) International information especially needed (TU-2). Internet for schools (CWNG-2)
Technology is best transferrred through individuals and for that reason the NSERC Industrial Research Fellowships and IRAP Programmes should be continued and expanded.(CWNG-1). More university places for international students would further open up our community globally (TU-2).
Central body required in Alberta to co-ordinate and facilitate technology transfer: provide information on technology and sources of capital; facilitate strategic alliances; facilitate patenting. (CWNG-1)
Commercial prototypes and markets
Prototype development and market development as funded by the Heritage Fund is a good model to extend to other research fields.(C. Langford, Session 1). Overseas marketing initiatives should be subsidized (CWNG-2)
Capitalization of SMEs
Major problem. Ideas provide no collateral. Illustrates the fact that the total commercial package involves far more than R&D. (C&L-1)
Strategic intersectoral alliances are one way of capitalizing. (CWNG-1)
Tax incentives are needed (BR-2) and tax impediments to innovation should be removed (C&L-3)
Intellectual Property Rights
Problem in fast moving technologies. Answer is in strategic alliances (CWNG-1).
Government to protect intellectual property rights (SCS-2).
Apparently minority view (from TM-2) that university and federal labs should not profit from intellectual property rights in their inventions.
Scientific evaluation of environmental controls requires scientifically literate public (CWNG-2). Likewise regulations should be based on thorough knowledge (C&L-3; CU-3)
Federal government could package educational material on science for use across the country (recommendation challenged in FS).
Science and Technology spokespersons are required in Canada (TU-3)
There is a special need to educate journalists and secondary school teachers. (FS)