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6.4 Scenario Conclusions

This scenario has illustrated our proposed PCM method. It shows the method proposal (guided by the static goals), the knowledge-verification (of constraints and assumptions), the simulation-verification (by computing diagnoses and testing the dynamic goals), and the critique and modify (for recovering from violations of dynamic goals). We have show three possibilities for recovering from the inability to handle normal observed behaviour:

Furthermore we have shown three possibilities of recovering from ``too many solutions'':

The scenario and the alternative paths are summarised in Figure 9. The choice on the brancing nodes of this search space (ie. which repair action has to be taken) is difficult, and needs further study.

Figure: The steps of the PCM method in the scenario and the alternative steps. The Method-i and the Diagnoses-i are explained in table 1.

Table: Explanation of the terms in figure 9

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Frank van Harmelen
Fri Oct 4 13:40:35 MET DST 1996