Hemant K. Desai, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
(Abstract of paper presented at NAPCN 1994 conference)
The benefits of applying theory and methods in personal construct
psychology (PCP) for cross-cultural study are explored with specific reference
to cognitive processes across cultures. The definition of culture in personal
construct theory (PCT) is examined and research relevant to crosscultural,
multicultural, or intercultural issues is highlighted. In a general sense,
PCP is regarded as a field which focuses more on eidos (cognitive processes
and structure) rather than ethos (sociocontextual factors) in studying culture.
Most cross-cultural research, on the other hand, has traditionally focused on
ethos rather than the eidetic approach of cognitive science (Lonner & Triandis,
In order to elaborate PCT in the cross-cultural area, the development
of a constructivistic framework is recommended to adequately access and
assess meaning in cultural systems. It is felt that an integration of
theories and methods in PCP and cultural psychology could lead toward a
compatible theory and psychology of social and cultural constructs.
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