Teacher Research List (fwd)

Hemant Desai (hdesai@unlinfo.unl.edu)
Tue, 4 Oct 1994 22:59:37 -0500 (CDT)

For Suzanne and other pcp-net folk interested in Teacher Ed issues --
this might be of interest. BTW: Bob, I'm glad you're with us. Hemant
Forwarded message:
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 16:20:15 -0400 (EDT)
From: Gordon Wells <gwells@oise.on.ca>
Subject: Teacher Research List

In an effort to link up teacher researchers in different parts of the
world, Bill Blanton and I have set up a new list. We would very much
appreciate it if you would pass the following information on to anyone
who would be interested - particularly local teacher groups. Thanks.

Department of Curriculum and
Joint Centre for Teacher Development, Tel: (416) 923-6641 x2634
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education,
252 Bloor St. W., FAX: (416) 926-4744
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1V6.



XTAR is a telecommunications discussion intended to enable Teacher
Researchers to share their inquiries - their questions and their
findings, their insights, problems and suggestions - with colleagues in
schools and universities all over the world. Anyone involved in
classroom inquiry is welcome to participate and to encourage others to do so.

To subscribe to XTAR:

Send a message to: listserv@lester.appstate.edu

Skip the Subject

In the body of the message write: Subscribe XTAR and your name, e.g.:

Subscribe XTAR William E. Blanton

You will then receive a reply telling you that your subscription has been
accepted and giving more information about the network. Please send a
message introducing yourself and say a little about your interests.

If you have any questions, please address them to:

William E. Blanton or Gordon Wells
BlantonWE@conrad.appstate.edu gwells@oise.on.ca