Hello! I feel somwhat guilty about not finding the time to join "the lists"
before (it sounds good, doesn't it?). And at least now I can feel guilty
about something else.
Briefly, I am a psychologist who applies PCP to try to understand more about
human development, devise better research methodogogies, and examine the
processes and outcomes of psychotherapy and other interventions in the fields
of clinical and health psychology. I also see clients in PCP-based therapy.
To: linda_viney@uow.edu.au
From: mailbase-admin@mailbase.ac.uk on Thu, Oct 27, 1994 11:57 AM
Subject: File pcp introduction
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To: linda_viney@uow.edu.au
Subject: File pcp introduction
Welcome to the PCP email list.
As outlined in the list description this list is concerned to offer
both a forum for the discussion of Personal Construct Psychology, in
terms of the theoretical and methodological concerns of this
discipline, and an analysis of the relationship between this
discipline and other perspectives within the social sciences. Beyond
this there are no firm guidlines as to how this list should proceed.
List members should feel free to initiate discussion of any areas
they feel will be relevant to the list.
As this is a new list subscribers are encouraged to "spread the
word" as the greater the number of contributors the greater the
likelihood of this list succeeding in it's aims. A final point, new
members are encouraged to send a brief synopsis of their work or
interests to the list by way of introduction (this is not mandatory
but does offer useful information to other members).
Included below are some thoughts on email etiquette; the first is
from Huff (1993) - Using email in Psychology classes, _Psychology
Software News_Vol 3, No. 3, pages 72-73 and the second longer
section is from Simon Dunkley at Leicester.
"The flip side ... is that the channels through which we normally
communicate social restraints are not available on email. Stares,
long pauses, frowns, body posture back-channel comments and other
ways of giving feedback are minimised. Thus, to indicate
disapproval, one must say it explicitly, one must say it explicitly
- a difficult social dilemma. In addition, without the normal
channels for social restraint, some members are tempted to 'flame'
those with whom they disagree - making criticisms and personal
remarks that would be unlikely to be voiced in a face-to-face
discussion. Careful and frequent attention to on-line etiquette is
required to minimise these deficits."
Nettiquette. (Good manners on the electronic NETwork.)
There are ways to circumvent the restrictions that a purely
"written" form of communication can impose upon us. Chiefly, we are
concerned with finding some method of imparting non-verbal cues that
are normally facial or para-verbal into our messages. There are
three widely used methods:
1) putting actions into square [HUG] brackets, or into angle
<giggle> brackets. There seems to be an informal [ACTION] vs <some
noise making activity> split here. (Maybe that's just me imposing
my own differentiation.)
2) the use of such things as TLA's (three letter acronyms);
3) the use of smiley's.
Acronyms in common use are:
BTSOOM Beats the [stuffing] out of me
BTW By the way
FUBAR F_____ Up Beyond All Recognition
FWIW For what it's worth
FYI For Your Information
GR&D Grinning running & ducking
IMO In my opinion
IMHO In my humble opinion
IMCO In my considered opinion
IOW In other words
NFW No [bleeping] way
PITA Pain in the [...]
ROTF,L Rolling on the floor, laughing.
RTFM Read the [fine] manual (or message)
SNAFU Situation Normal, All F_____ Up
TIA Thanks In Advance
TIC Tongue in cheek
Some of these are in more common use than others: RTM and RTFM
are universally acknowledged. (If asked, F stands for "fine" or
"friendly". NFW!)
The world is, if not your oyster, certainly the mollusc of your
choice. [That line is probably (c) Terry Pratchett.] We start with
a basic smiley:
If you wonder what that means, tilt your head to rest on your left
shoulder. You should see two eyes, a thin nose and a smile.
The use is quite simple: it shows humour, or no-ill feelings
intended, ie good natured remarks.
Then there's the "un-smiley", which is :-(. (I am sad, I am not
You can frown: |:-| (I am not impressed.)
Or have an evil grin: >:-) (I set you up
And so on. If anyone is sticking their tongue out at me, they can
use the following: :-Q (But I suspect that's a bit naughty...)
And so on...
One last thing, if you want to rant about someone, it's called a
Begin your remarks with FLAME ON.
End them with FLAME OFF.
I really think Simon should stop cluttering up our mailboxes with
this junk.
I think you all get the message: the idea is to use the limited
character set to show something of your meaning and intent, to
prevent heated arguments and tempers raising beyond limits.
Share and enjoy.
(All flames to /dev/null.) If you don't know any UNIX, you won't get
that joke. If you want to know, RTFM... :-)
(But the question is then, which FM do you R? Which is the usual
David Nightingale
Department of Behavioural Sciences
School of Human and Health Sciences
University of Huddersfield Tel: (0484) 422288 ext 2461
Queensgate Fax: (0484) 516151
Huddersfield HD1 3DH E-mail: D.J.Nightingale@uk.ac.hud