The misspelling of 'its' (meaning, 'belonging to it', not short for 'it
is'), in the list below is becoming the howler of the decade, and seems to
be spreading all over the world. Could you eradicate this one, please!
>As this is a new list subscribers are encouraged to "spread the
>word" as the greater the number of contributors the greater the
>likelihood of this list succeeding in it's aims. A final point, new
>members are encouraged to send a brief synopsis of their work or
>interests to the list by way of introduction (this is not mandatory
>but does offer useful information to other members).
Don Munro, Ph.D. |Telephone (Office Secretary)
Senior Lecturer and Head of Department |(049) 215935 Home (049) 264607
Department of Psychology |[International +61 49 215935/264607]
The University of Newcastle |Office Fax [+61 49] (049) 216980
New South Wales 2308 |email PSDM@CC.NEWCASTLE.EDU AU
"Full optimism is a lack of information. Full pessimism is a lack of
imagination". Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Melbourne, October 1994.