Sewell, K.W., Adams-Webber, J., Mitterer, J. & Cromwell, R.L. (1992).
Computerized repertory grids: Review of the literature. International
Journal of Personal Construct Psychology, 5, 1-24.
Bringmann, M. W. (1992). Computer-based methods for the analysis and
interpretation of personal construct systems. In R.A. Neimeyer & G. J.
Neimeyer (Eds.). Advances in personal construct psychology (vol. 2).
Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Mancuso, J.C. & Shaw, M.L. (1988). Cognition and personal structure:
Computer access and analysis. New York: Praeger.
These refs all provide intelligent discussion and summary of "cutting edge"
applications of grids and related methods in various contexts. In
addition, there are a number of books, articles and chapters that examine
specific applications of grids to particular clinical and research domains,
and approximately 1,300 published articles utilizing grid methods
throughout the social sciences (with concentrations in psych, education,
management, and cog sci). So it's a big literature, but managable if you
enter it with some focused interests. For staying on top of the current
literature, novel and established methods of analysis, etc., I think most
people would agree that the Journal of Constructivist Psychology
(previously the International Journal of Personal Construct Psychology) is
the best single source. It is available directly from the publisher at
1(800) 821-8312 (North America) and +44 (0) 256 840366 (UK and other
territories). You can also automatically receive a discounted subscription
to the journal, an information-packed quarterly newsletter, and conference
discounts with an inexpensive membership in the North American Personal
Construct Network (NAPCN), which is open to all regardless of nationality;
contact Reid Kion at
In addition to the grid programs described in these published sources or
referred to in your earlier exchanges, You might consider the suite of
programs developed by Laurie Thomas and his colleagues at Brunel Univ (UK),
the slick new MacGrid program put together by Ken Ford, Jack Adams-Webber,
and their group (just finishing beta-testing, I think), the PC Grid program
of April Metzler, and the GridCorr program of Guillem Feixas. I am more
familar with these last three, all of which do serveral credible analyses,
store grids, and are quite affordable.
Finally, after all this talk about methods, I'd like to emphasize that what
makes participation in this theory group so pleasurable for me is the
people. If you have not yet had an opportunity to do so, please join us
for an upcoming conference (the next International will be in Barcelona in
July). If any new participants in this network would like more info on
programs, people, or conferences, just send me or other long-time personal
construct theorists your snail-mail address and we'll be happy to post
brochures, flyers, and other info to you.
Welcome aboard!
Robert A. Neimeyer, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
University of Memphis
Memphis, TN 38152
(901) 678-4680
FAX (901) 678-2579