Whoever it is that's subscribing to the pcp mailbase and has the address
could you possibly clear your mailbox please? Every mailing I send to the
pcp mailbase gets bounced back from your node as follows:
>-----Transcript of session follows-----
>kulis-dfaculty@nova.novanet.org: Recipient's mailbox too full to hold your
>-----Unsent message follows-----
>From: anima@devi.demon.co.uk
>To: kulis-dfaculty@nova.novanet.org
>Date: Tue, 23 May 95 22:35:00 GMT
>Subject: Re: Vigotsky, Rogoff, Kelly
<snip the reminder of my 8 kB message entitled "Re: Vigotsky, Rogoff, Kelly">
Kindest regards,
Devi Jankowicz