Due to other commitments I am no longer able to find enough time to
adequately maintain/coordinate this list. As this list is co-owned (with
Hemant Desai) my departure should cause no problems. However, if anyone
were to volunteer to help Hemant I'm sure it would be appreciated.
All the best, Dave Nightingale
David Nightingale
Discourse Unit
Division of Psychology & Biology Fax: 01204 399074
Bolton Institute of Higher Education Voice: 01204 528851
Deane Road International: +44 1204 528851
Bolton BL3 5AB (UK) Email: D.J.Nightingale@bolton.ac.uk
My Page: http://www.sar.bolton.ac.uk/discourse/
Discourse Unit Page: http://www.sar.bolton.ac.uk/discourse/DiscourseUnit.html
We should not pretend to understand the world only by intellect.
We apprehend it just as much by feeling. Therefore, the judgement
of the intellect is, at best, only the half of truth, and must, if
it be honest, come to an understanding of its own inadequacy. Jung