I'm not at all experienced in using the stat packages you have been
discussing, although I've been interested in constructivist psychotherapy
for several years. I've just finished reading Fransella and Bannister's
1977 book on rep grid. I've used the Interpersonal Repertory Grid discussed
by Leitner in his Experiential PCP, but just as a projective to spawn some
dialogue between clients and myself.
First, I would be interested in how we go about obtaining the different
software packages that are available for analyzing grids.
Second, is there anyway to get training on using the packages-- e.g.
workshops, manuals, etc.
Third, is there a bibliograpy available dealing with research per se that
uses the different software packages.
Finally, what would be the most useful for a novice like myself to dive
into. Some of the research I'm hopefully going to be able to pursue this
next year deals with Personality Disorders, attachment patterns, and
protocols using Young's Schema Focused Therapy. Any ideas?
Thanks much
J. V. Jones (Johnny)
P.S. Will you be in Seattle this summer?
From: Richard Bell
To: JonesJ; pcp
Subject: Re: PCA analysis of rep grids
Date: Wednesday, March 05, 1997 7:11PM
At 10:11 AM 3/5/97 +0000, you wrote:
>I'm investigating using PRINCALS for rep-grids. This allows appropriate
level of representation for different levels of measurement.
>see a conference paper at
An interesting paper. Of course to go one step simpler and use the ANACOR
procedure would be identical (I hope) with the Feixas & Cornejo GRIDCOR
program. One thing I have found useful when considering the data as ordinal
is to use the monotone regression estimates (QUANTIFICATION) as an indicator
of the range of convenience of a construct.
Peter Caputi (University of Wollongong) gave a paper at the Australian
Psychological Society Conference in 1994 comparing PRINCALS (actually the
SAS equivalent) with traditional principal component solutions for a grid
Richard Bell
Richard C Bell
Department of Psychology
University of Melbourne
Parkville Vic 3052 Australia
Phone: +61 (0)3 9344 6364
Fax: +61 (0)3 9347 6618
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