Well said. I concur. Tell me more about your work with "schizophrenics."
Jonathan D. Raskin, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology-Jacobson Faculty Tower
State University of New York at New Paltz
75 South Manheim Boulevard
New Paltz, NY 12561-2499
office phone: (914) 257-3471; fax: (914) 257-3474
e-mail: raskinj@matrix.newpaltz.edu
At 10:49 AM 6/28/97 +1100, you wrote:
>Hi Rob & Barbara,
>I have been very interested in your discussion regarding "recovering
>psychiatric clients"- as I currently work in psychiatric rehabilitation. I no
>longer use the term schizophrenia for two reasons:
>1) as discussed by Birchwood and his UK colleagues the term holds little
>scientific validity in the way symptoms cluster together -hence terms such as
>voices, paranoia & delusions are perhaps more appropriate to talk about (and
>perhaps better match what the clients also talk about (delusions excepted).
>2) the term schizophrenia seems to help few people- ie it doesn't really
>inform constructively how clients and heatlh professionals work together- or
>in Kellyian terms it isn't really an effective transitive diagnosis.
>I have of late been asking clients of their personal meanings of voices,
>interesting beliefs (delusions & paranoia etc) and of medication. Olanzapine
>and Clozapine are very popular where I work- the culture constructs these as
>the "best and latest treatment" - the clients say yes there are less side
>effects and it seems to stop the voices a little- but as some of the
>cog-behaviourists in the UK are also asking- what of the personal construals/
>beliefs about voices, how do they relate to client histories etc and (as you
>have been discussing) how do clients construe adherence and recovery??
>Chris Stevens work with insight is also relevant here- is a non compliant
>client one who invalidates the predictions of the worker? Is the client with
>no insight one who simply invalidates the world view of the worker? I see
>these as serious questions to consider, not to be thrown away as "anti
>psychiatry rhetoric".
>Lindsay Oades
>To: pcp@mailbase.ac.uk
>From: pcp@mailbase.ac.uk on Wed, 25 Jun 1997 10:30 AM
>Subject: Re: Return response/ Recovering Psych. Patients
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>From: "Rob Adelman" <radelman@neweracoop.com>
>To: <pcp@mailbase.ac.uk>
>Subject: Re: Return response/ Recovering Psych. Patients
>Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 19:11:27 -0500
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>> From: Tooth Barbara Ann <b.tooth@qut.edu.au>
>> To: pcp@mailbase.ac.uk
>> Subject: Re: Request for references on recovering psychiatric patients
>> Date: Monday, June 23, 1997 8:49 PM
>> Dear Rob
>> I am currently completing a research project on recovery from
>> schizophrenia and hence have some information on people's construing of
>> this process. However the part about their prospects of remaining
>> medically compliant raises far to many issues to discuss here. In short I
>> don't think it is a useful way to look at people's experience of their
>> illness.
>> Regards Barbara
>>Dear Barbara,
> I was real glad to hear from you since I had seen your name and
>paper on the program for the conference in Seattle, but didn't know how to
>contact you. I would
>really appreciate it if you would send me a copy of your paper. I would be
>glad to reimburse you any costs, or perhaps you could send it
>electronically with your E-Mail. Let me know what would work best for
>> The problem I am trying to resolve through this research is to find
>some means to deal with the denial issue with psychiatric patients. I am
>thinking that the way the patients construct their illness may provide some
>clues as to how to work with them
>in a more collaborative way, so as to enhance their ability to manage their
>I'm curious about your comment about the issue of medication compliance not
>useful in understanding their experience of their illness. Maybe we are
>coming at this from different directions. Please send more. If it would
>help, I can send a couple of pages of my proposal to you..
>Looking forward to your response,
>> On Fri, 20 Jun 1997, Rob Adelman wrote:
>> > Hello out there!
>> >
>> > I am a doctoral candidate at Texas A&M - Commerce and new to the
>> > I am working with a population of schizophrenic and bipolar patients
>> > the state hospital. I am interested in applying construct methods to
>> > learning about patient's constructions of their illness, and their
>> > prospects for remaining medically compliant.
>> >
>> > Anyone who has relevant research references or ideas, please write.
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> >
>> > Rob Adelman
>> > Rusk State Hospital
>> > Rusk, Texas
>> >