Thank you for this...I would love to hear from you. I have used Alexander
Technique for some time and am greatly enamoured. I am also very much a
PCP practitioner and would like to talk more.
From: pcp-request
To: pcp
Subject: meaning as embodied
Date: 23 January 1998 09:40
Greetings to all,
I have been on the list for a few months and thought I had better
say my official hello. Though I live in Seattle, I recently received my
PhD in Human Learning from Brunel University in the UK. My primary interest
has been in using John Dewey as a philosophical link between PCP and the
psycho-physical work of FM Alexander, in order to find practical ways of
looking at how dimensions of personal meaning are embodied in personal
action. From this perspective, physical or behavioral habits and fixed
constructions are seen as facets of the same phenomenon-which is why we so
often find it difficult to reconstrue matters when we are limited to the
constructs for which we can find "convenient word handles." But where we
cannot articulate our meaning (in the conceptual sense) it is already
articulated (in the movement sense). I have been using the Alexander
to explore ways of conversing in the dimensions of that larger sense of
articulation as an entry into a deeper reconstruing of embodied meaning.
I would be grateful to hear from anyone interested in these matters.
David M Mills