Me and Guillem Feixas have recently published a book on PCP in Spanish
that you may be interested in. Here's the reference,
Botella, L., & Feixas, G., (1998). Teoria de los constructos =
Aplicaciones a la pr=E1ctica cl=EDnica. Barcelona: Laertes.
If you have difficulties locating the bookk in Colombia let me know and
I'll see what can be done.
Luis Botella, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
Ramon Llull University
Cister 24-34
Phone: 34-3-253 30 00
Fax: 34-3-253 30 31
> ----------
> From: juan manuel toro[]
> Reply To:
> Sent: jueves 2 de julio de 1998 17:41
> To:
> Subject: Information
> Hi.
> I am a colombian psychology student, and right now I am working on my =
> thesis. It is a review on PCT, since this theory is not very well
> known=20
> in my country.
> Reading many books and articles on PCT, I have found striking=20
> coincidences between Kelly's work and Piaget's theory (not his theory =
> about stages, but his later writings about equilibration on 1975 to=20
> 1980). =20
> I am very interested in hearing comments or references about this
> topic.
> Bye.
> Juan Manuel Toro
> e-mail:
> Ps. I have been reading lately Thelen and Smith's book about dynamic =
> systems and cognition and action. Do you thing PCP is related on any =
> way to this kind of approach?=20
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