Re: Kelly and Piaget

Mancuso, James C. (
Thu, 09 Jul 1998 17:12:12 -0400

Alessandra Iantaffi wrote:

> Hello!
> Just seen Devi's message and wondered if I could have the reference of the
> italian chapter. It does sound interesting.

The reference on the article is a follows:

Mancuso, J. C. & Hunter, K. V. (1985). Constructivist assumptions in the
person theories of
George A. Kelly and Jean Piaget. In F. Mancini & A. Semerari (Eds.) La
Psychologia dei costrutti
personali: Saggi sulla teoria di G. A. Kelly (pp. 73-103). Milano: Franco
Angeli Libri.

James C. Mancuso        Dept. of Psychology
15 Oakwood Place        University at Albany
Delmar, NY 12054        1400 Washington Ave.
Tel: (518)439-4416      Albany, NY 12222
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