The German PCP Web Site has been re-organised and is now strictly bi-lingual (German-
English). IŽm sure youŽll find lots of useful information there.
Address below!
Among the new features of the German PCP Site is a list of on-line papers available on the
Internet. I think this is an idea worth pursuing.
And last but not least - to make "personal" construct psychology a personal affair, IŽve
compiled an "Internet Photo Album". YouŽll find it here:
Have fun, and see you in Berlin!
Joern Scheer
Prof. Dr. Joern W. Scheer * Dept. of Medical Psychology
Friedrichstr. 36 * D-35392 Giessen * Germany
Tel: +49 (0) 641-99-45682 - Fax: +49 (0) 641-99-45689
Dept. of Medical Psychology Home Page:
Personal Construct Psychol. Group Home Page:
Internat. Congress on PCP Web Site: