PCP1998Q4 by subject
Starting: Sun 04 Oct 1998 - 13:40:32 MST
Ending: Wed 30 Dec 1998 - 17:49:54 MST
Messages: 224
- "Dimensions of Childhood"
- (Fwd) 'Globalist' psychology
- (no subject)
- 20 hrs of audio tape
- 3 obscure reference enquiries
- [Fwd: [Fwd: Szasz]]
- [Fwd: A Neuroscientists Says No to Drugs]
- An Inroduction
- An International Conference: RECONSTRUCTING HEALTH PSYCH
- Book reviews
- brain, activity and experience
- business related applications
- Can pcp and neuroscience jointly help schizophrenics?
- Central concept
- Clinical consultation
- construction of 'health'
- Construction of Health
- Construction of mental health
- Constructivist Chronicle/NAPCN Newsletter web page
- corporate constructs and schizophrenia
- Difference between words and pictures??
- differentiation
- Enquire Within
- Experiencing, construing, and verbalizing
- flexigrid
- FW: conference
- Godfrey Mazhindu's e-mail address
- Grid feedback
- Grids & Schizophrenia
- Grids & schizophrenics
- hard science and constructivism
- Hello
- Hello! 20 years later .....
- Help for my mother
- Help with Kelly references
- Help with Kelly references (fwd)
- Help with Kelly references]
- Hinkle and Laddering
- Hinkle's Paper
- How to conclude a biology/behavior study!!!
- I: R: Can pcp and neuroscience jointly help schizophrenics?
- Impending retirement
- inappropriately mindless message on money
- integration
- International PCP Congress Berlin 1999
- Introducing myself
- Julia Houston/Making Sense with Offenders
- Kelly quote.
- Ken Gergen's photo
- literature on submerged construct poles
- looking for some suggestions
- mental-illness and violence/abuse
- money and mind
- My Thanks to NAPCN
- Neural systems, construction systems, and construing
- Neuroscience and vexenigmatic behavior
- new member
- papers?
- PCP & being merely cognitive
- PCP & Schizophrenia
- PCP and group counseling
- PCP and group trainings
- PCP and training with groups
- PCP Christmas do
- PCP with groups
- PCP, Training, Total-Quality-Management
- post to Rob adelman
- Practical Hints for Use of the Rep Grid Interview
- Psychiatric in-patient evaluation
- r.e. Construction of Health
- R: Can pcp and neuroscience jointly help schizophrenics?
- radical and social constructivism
- re Brief synopsis
- re join
- RE: business related applications
- RE: Central concept
- RE: Construction of Health
- RE: Enquire Within
- RE: PCP and group counseling
- RE: the most useful aspects of Kelly's theory
- Re[2]: Ken Gergen's photo
- reference for Kelly's definition of insight
- References/names
- Reply to Jim Mancuso
- Reply to Jim Mancuso]
- Richard Rorty and constructivism
- RV: differentiation
- Salamanca
- Schizophrenia
- Scottish experts on Repertory Grid???
- some 'technical' questions about constructs
- Some posting of possible interest!
- Some reactions to U. Neisser's book, Cognition and Reality
- Support
- SV: Tschudi Finn's Flexigrid -info?
- test: please ignore
- The different domains of knowledge
- the most useful aspects of Kelly's theory
- tnxs
- Tom Ravenette's new book
- Tschudi Finn's Flexigrid -info?
- Who's on this list?
- Words .v. Pictures for elicitation-initial findings....
- working with people who are violent
Last message date: Wed 30 Dec 1998 - 17:49:54 MST
Archived on: Sat Nov 13 1999 - 20:40:40 MST
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