> To: pcp@mailbase.ac.uk
> Subject: Clinical consultation
> Date: Tuesday, November 10, 1998 12:07 PM
> Dear colleagues,
> I have been out of the list for several months due to a probably
> chronic work overload (common problem?). I hope the list continues to
> be a rich source for the exchange of ideas as it used to be.
> Just a brief consultation. I am supervising a case presenting
> symptoms of Generalized Anxiety D. and also compalins about
> difficulties in swallowing (with no results after thorough medical
> exploration including endoscopia). This man eats only food in liquid
> form. He presents no emotional constructs in his elicited grid.
> I have found no research or theoretical elaboration within the PCP
> literature related to this case, but surely I missed something.
> Any ideas?
> Sorry to take a bit of your time.
> Warm wishes,
> Dr. Guillem Feixas
> Universitat de Barcelona
> Facultat de Psicologia
> Departament de Personalitat,
> Avaluacio i Tractament Psicologics
> Passeig Vall d'Hebron, 171
> 08035 Barcelona
> Phone 34-93402 1072/34-93402 1100 ext. 3109
> Fax 34-93402 1362/34-93402 1427
> Home phone 34-93456 2882
> e-mail "gfeixas@psi.ub.es"
> Visit our webs at http://www.ub.es/personal/pcp.htm
> http://www.cromasl.com/ctcognitiva