When I suggested that we use a term such as "troublesome deviant construer,"
I was trying to do just what you suggested -- use everyday terms to describe the
event we have under consideration.
When we get to the base of what allows a diagnostician to hang the label
schizophrenic on to a person, we find that the person using constructions of self
and his/her dialogue partners in ways that are generally deviant from the
constructions used in standard social interaction.
The use of such constructions are troublesome --- thus, troublesome deviant
Of course, people don't use such language in their every day discourse.
But, if we are inventing useful constructions, we might undertake to convince
people that such terms should be used.
I also realize that when we get down to this basic, we have one heck of a
task in our effort to deal with the moral issues involved in taking action
related to the matter of which behavior shall be regarded as "troublesome."
But, that's another central point that must be worked over..... Right???
-- James C. Mancuso Dept. of Psychology 15 Oakwood Place University at Albany Delmar, NY 12054 1400 Washington Ave. Tel: (518)439-4416 Albany, NY 12222 A website dedicated to a personal view of Per- sonal Construct Psychology
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<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"> Johnathon:
When I suggested that we use a term such as "troublesome deviant construer," I was trying to do just what you suggested -- use everyday terms to describe the event we have under consideration.
When we get to the base of what allows a diagnostician to hang the label schizophrenic on to a person, we find that the person using constructions of self and his/her dialogue partners in ways that are generally deviant from the constructions used in standard social interaction.
The use of such constructions are troublesome --- thus, troublesome deviant construers.....
Of course, people don't use such language in their every day discourse.
But, if we are inventing useful constructions, we might undertake to convince people that such terms should be used.I also realize that when we get down to this basic, we have one heck of a task in our effort to deal with the moral issues involved in taking action related to the matter of which behavior shall be regarded as "troublesome."
But, that's another central point that must be worked over..... Right???Jim Mancuso
James C. Mancuso Dept. of Psychology
15 Oakwood Place University at Albany
Delmar, NY 12054 1400 Washington Ave.
Tel: (518)439-4416 Albany, NY 12222
A website dedicated to a personal view of Per-
sonal Construct Psychology
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