> I'm in the middle of reading exams and papers, and won't get to read this
> thread for a couple of weeks. Is it being archived somewhere? Bob Parks
_Everything_ that goes to the list gets archived automatically by
mailbase on the WWW at:
(well, off that, I don't remember exact point!) That's archived by a
modified version of hypermail so has excellent threading of the
messages and the option to order by date and by sender. They
also have an excellent search facility (if I remember rightly).
Mailbase only archive the last two years so I archive what I have
before that at:
I think my site says it has a search facility but it's 99.99% certain
that's broken at the moment.
I'll be moving my site in the next week or so to:
and will fix up a working search of the old archives then. I'll keep
the list posted.
Incidentally, I have always taken it as read that everyone on the
list, though naturally having the automatic copyright of their own
thoughts, by posting to the list accepts Malcolm and I and
mailbase as having "common publisher" rights to send the
message to the list (obviously) and to archive the postings in the
way described and make them available to anyone (list member or
not) in this way.
Best wishes all,
Chris (co-admin.)
Chris Evans, R&D Consultant,
Tavistock & Portman NHS Trust