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I will be grateful for help with the following:-
I am about to begin work on evaluating psychiatric in-patients at an NHS =
hospital, which is due for closure in April 1999.
The bed space where patients are to be relocated is much more limited =
than at present, the aim being to replicate the study in the new setting =
to see if changes in admission criteria occur (i.e. will they only admit =
the most extreme cases, or is that happening already etc..
My boss wants me to assess:
a) how stressed the patients are on arrival;=20
b) what type of treatment they are currently recieving (as far as I know =
they receive basic CPN attention, pharmacotherapy and - if no =
improvement is apparent - ECT. But I digress);=20
c) how patients perceive their treatment;=20
d) how the staff perceive the treatment they offer to the patients; and=20
e) how stressed the patients are when they are discharged from the ward.
This is a rough brief, and open to suggestion.
In short, I would appreciate advice on measure that would encompass the =
above remit, satisfying PCP-type qualitative data, as well as =
standardised measures regarding quantitative assessment.
Thank you in anticipation.
Sue Knight
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