Re: Sampling Grids

J. Maxwell Legg (
Sat, 16 Jan 1999 10:04:59 +1300

Harald Seelig wrote:
> Hello,
> Here is what I have been trying to figure out for a few weeks:
> How can grids of different individuals be compared? And what about grouping and
> sampling grids?
> My suggestion is that there is a possibility to sample grids by
> modifying the gridmethod and using appropriate statistical methods. But not
> having read all of the theoretical issues that support the background ideas and
> ideals behind PCP I`m not sure if modifying the gridmethod wouldn't lead away
> from the initial ideas.
> Because of this, the first thing that needs clarification is: Is a grid that
> could be compared (1:1) to another still 'a grid ` or is it (only) a special
> sort of Osgood's semantic differential?

Maybe so, but if the input for the 'other' grid came not from different
individuals but came from a similar source then it may have an ability
to be compared. The other grid wouldn't need to be 1:1 because there
would be little point in repeating the same exercise from that source.

There is no statistical theory that I know of for this assumption and it
is only a hunch of mine based on the fact that eigenstatespaces *do
exist* and that when very different statespaces are compared there is
often no likelihood that there will be any commonality or translation
from one to the other. There is however, lots to be said for the fact
that if disparate grids are produced from the same milieu that reflects
a common eigenstatespace then there only needs to be sufficient 'locking
points' within various components to get a form of syncretistic
interpretability, but the subject matter of each grid can be quite

In my experiments I've used mainly my own constructs as the 'statespace'
and collected a number of grids on different subjects. Some of the grids
are from other sources but reflect cultural superstates of which I am
but a part and so I have included them.

My procedure requires that I intuitively 'lock' certain similarities
between the grids and plot the components so that these commonalties
roughly line up. This might require reversing the normal dimensionality
of the components in the plot, but such alteration provides me with a
meaningful reflection. I'm working on an algorithm to automate this
search path and this would hopefully be able to look for commonality
between grids of different individuals.

During this development I have modified my Open Source Ingrid software
to allow for a dynamic HTML mapping of layered grid images directly to
the Internet. I did this HTML stuff as a form of feedback and I treat
such layered multi-media grids as artwork. When the images become too
complex I will bifurcate certain grids into different projects. As well,
when completed these internet topics are laid out in an archetypal
fashion and reduced to a linear script of bookmarks. An example of such
an exercise entitled "A Meat-Ethic of Trashumanism" is linked from my

Later on, it is my hope to be able to use an immensely large collection
of grids to filter new features so that the new feature will not only
subtly alter appropriate existing grids but will ultimately trigger a
gross course of action which would be determined by a significant
register of entangled grids collapsing to a specific set of components.

Naturally, even without the jargon, all this will be as hard as building
a quantum computer, but unlike you, I'm into my third decade of thought
on this subject.

I hope this helps.
