>To date, I have worked closely with 15 experienced day surgical
>nurses, and together we have elicited a "core grid", which I would
>like to use with a wider group of day-surcgical nurses. I wonder if
>anyone could suggest where I might be able to access a grid analysis
>package, which would allow comparison of a number of "similar" grids?
>I think that Mildred Shaw has developed a possible package, but I
>cannot find out where to get hold of a copy. I use a PC at work, and
>an Apple Mac at home.
If you have construct x construct similarity matrices, you can run the
ancient-but-free INDSCAL program at Bell Labs,
You'll need a Fortran compiler to put it together. If you have a
problem, e-mail me directly & I can attach the compiled PC binary.
I'm pretty sure it's in an archive somewhere.
Travis Gee
Lecturer, School of Psychology
University of New England
Armidale NSW 2351
+61 (2) 6773 2410