Insularity of PCP???

Mancuso, James C. (
Wed, 24 Feb 1999 11:12:54 -0500

Bob Green has written a nice piece on cognition and PCP...

I am puzzled, however, by his discussion of point 4 -- Insularity of
He cites several relevant works in discussion of point 1.... And,
with little effort, he could cite many more... Does the availability of
the work done to produce those references indicate that PCP has been
isolated from other work??

Why bother to take a critical view of Kelly's failure to incorporate
other work into his theory? Aren't we past that point!!! Do we need to
identify PCP with a biblical text.
I hate to do this, but ...
28 years ago, I managed to publish a book -- Readings for a
cognitive theory of personality (Holt, Rinehart, Winston). The book was
published 15 years after Kelly published his work.
I discussed the propectus for the book with Kelly. He was very
enthusiastic about the way I had organized the book -- A set of readings
from the then burgeoning field of cognitive psychology to support and
elaborate the corollaries.

I have difficulty in processing text that says something about the
insularity of PCP.
Perhaps we should be speaking of the insularity of some of the
persons who have tried to work with PCP!!!

Jim Mancuso

James C. Mancuso        Dept. of Psychology
15 Oakwood Place        University at Albany
Delmar, NY 12054        1400 Washington Ave.
Tel: (518)439-4416      Albany, NY 12222
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