Many thanks for the usual friendly responses on the above. I found Valerie
Stewart's particularly helpful and will be following up Robin Hill's paper. Bob
Green's last comment is a bit more a "pre-emptive construct"
really empty of value in a debate? I think the "pre-emptive" comment is very
telling, and can't be dismissed as such, and Valerie's answer is clearer - that
there doesn't really seem to have been development of the theory, as far as I
can tell, from trawling the group. Is this really true? Come on you
lurkers-surely, SURELY someone somewhere in PCP must be trying to tackle
the basic theory or are we all just "running the job" ( I realise I am getting
provocative now in order to try and get more of a response from the list -any
comments, Devi, Jim ? Others?)
Fionn Stevenson
Ecological Design Group (EDG)
The Scott Sutherland School of Architecture
The Robert Gordon University
Garthdee Road
Aberdeen AB10 7QB
Tel: ++ 44 (0) 1224 263713
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