Dear colleagues,
A group of students working in the area of psychological
"intervention" with drug adddicts is interested in conducting some
research on this area, particularly using rep grid methods. I have
little knowledge on this area and would like to benefit of previous
works authored by pcp researchers.
Thanks in advance,
Dr. Guillem Feixas
Universitat de Barcelona
Facultat de Psicologia
Departament de Personalitat,
Avaluacio i Tractament Psicologics
Passeig Vall d'Hebron, 171
08035 Barcelona
Phone 34-93402 1072/34-93402 1100 ext. 3109
Fax 34-93402 1362/34-93402 1427
Home phone 34-93456 2882
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Dear Guillem,
the journal of systemic therapies had a special edition on socially
constructing substance use and abuse (Vol. 15, nr 2). Although the
contributions are a bit biased towards the discussion in Germany there is
maybe something in it.
Best regards, Ulrike