>Does anyone know of any nice software that could help me by sorting
>constructs in terms of key words searches, key phrase searches etc.?
>How do folk usually "sort" their elicited constructs into categories?
I have just begun the process of sorting 480+ constructs of teamwork and am
using the programme NUD.IST to categorise my constructs - it provides a
percentage count of the frequency of each construct pair and can also search
for key words etc. It is a qualitative analysis package produced by QSR, a
company linked with Latrobe University, Victoria, Australia - however I know
it is commercially available world wide, as I used it at Oxford Brookes
University for my MA several years ago...
Sharon Mickan
PhD Candidate
NHMRC Public Health Postgraduate Research Scholarship
Department of Occupational Therapy
The University of Queensland
St Lucia 4072
Ph: 3365 3456
Email: s092713@student.uq.edu.au