> ----------
> De: Lluis Botella Garcia del Cid[SMTP:LluisBG@blanquerna.url.es]
> Responder a: pcp@mailbase.ac.uk
> Enviado el: divendres, 7 / maig / 1999 09:17
> Para: 'pcp@mailbase.ac.uk'
> Asunto: language barrier
> Hi all,
> I've been asked to present a plenary at the Berlin conference on
> whether
> "Will PCP trascend the language barrier?" I think this is a really
> important subject, and I'll like to include in my presentation
> opinions
> other than my own local one. Thus, I'll appreciate if you could spare
> some minutes of your time and ask a few questions on this topic. I'm
> particularly interested in those of you who are non-native English
> speakers or live in non-English speaking countries. You can send the
> messages directly to my e-mail address, if you prefer, but I think it
> could be useful to open the debate through the list so as to turn it
> into a real conversation.
> My questions are these ones:
> 1. What country are you working at at the moment? Spain
> 2. What is your native language? German
> 3. How did you first get to know about PCP, through texts (papers,
> books) written in English or in your own language?
Here at the department (Spain) through texts and personal
communications, in English and Spanish
> 4. In your country, what is the approximate percentage of texts
> about PCP originally published in your own language? don't know for
> Germany
> 5. In your country, what is the approximate percentage of texts
> about PCP translated to your own language? (same)
> 6. In your country, are there any journal or newsletter that
> publishes papers on PCP in your own language? yes
> 7. What is the approximate percentage of your own published works
> in English? very few
> 8. When you teach or give lectures about PCP in your country, do
> you chiefly use English or your own language? I use Spanish/Catalan
> 9. Among the conferences you attend, what approximate percentage of
> them have English as the only or dominant language? all, if abroad;
> Spanish or Catalan, when in Spain
> 10. Do you think that language is a barrier for newcomers to PCP in
> your country? not in Spain, there are many publications in Spanish and
> translations
> 11. Please add any comment you find relevant.
> Thanks a lot.
> __________________
> none of us is as good as all of us
> __________________
> Luis Botella, Ph.D.
> Department of Clinical Psychology
> Ramon Llull University
> Cister 24-34
> 08022-Barcelona
> Spain
> Phone: 93 253 30 00
> Fax: 93 253 30 31
> e-mail:lluisBG@blanquerna.url.es