You could then apply such a consideration into a straight triangular
distance grid that measures a list of constructs (rows) against the same
list of constructs (cols) in terms of an overall and/or undisclosed
feeling. More simply though you could make a square grid and into each
cell you could put a number which represented a match in the dictionary
terms for this coincidence (cell).
>From WordNet (r) 1.6 (wn)
tightness n 1: a state occasioned by scarcity of money and a shortage of
credit [syn: {stringency}] 2: extreme stinginess [syn: {meanness},
{minginess}, {niggardliness}, {niggardness}, {parsimony},
{parsimoniousness}, {tightfistedness}, {closeness}] 3: lack of movement
or room for movement [syn: {tautness}] [ant:
>From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)
Constriction \Con*stric"tion\, n. [L. constrictio: cf. F. constriction.]
1. The act of constricting by means of some inherent power or by
movement or change in the thing itself, as distinguished from
compression. 2. The state of being constricted; the point where a thing
is constricted; a narrowing or binding.
A constriction of the parts inservient to speech. --Grew.
>From WordNet (r) 1.6 (wn)
constriction n 1: a narrowing that reduces the flow through a channel
[syn: {bottleneck}] 2: the action or process of constricting or