> I am a masters' student who, either being brave, or rather foolish,
> have decided to use repertory grid technique to measure motivation
> within an industrial setting.
> Having read the excellent (and one of the few) books on applying such
> a technique to business entitled "business applications of the
> repertory grid" by Stewart and Steward I am posed with a problem.
> In the book it warns that to be proficient in its use, one must have
> at least one year's experience. This I certainly do not have.
> Therefore, would it be wise to continue.
> I would sure like to hear from any other fellow 'sufferers' out there
> - I sure do need the support!
I say go for it--but be aware of the pitfalls. The grid is difficult to
administer, and I have not found that self-administration or computer
administration works very well. You have to sit with the participant and
be prepared to answer questions, explain things repeatedly, take more time
than you had hoped, etc. Definitely do some practice grids before
starting your project.