> When it comes to plans, such as ours, to use rep. grids in investigate, in
> as idiographic a way as possible, the nature of the cognitive changes that
> we hope will be produced by a training course, there is a possible
> problem. The rep grid procedure itself may well do some good! This is
> fine for the individual but not fine for assessing the ways in which the
> training, rather than the rep. grid, affects their construct system. In
> this particular study, we don't want to find ourselves having evaluated the
> effect of repertory grid therapy! Presmably, if we discuss the way the
> analysis comes out with the participants immediately (rather than in
> sessions after the end of the course) the risk of the rep. grid experience
> itself producing change is much greater.
> Does this mean it's not such a bright idea after all, to use rep. grid
> methods to investigate these changes?
I would suggest that Personal Construct Theory itself rules out the very
possibility of a neutral assessment instrument that will have no effect on
the subject's construing. It's not just the grid...