> From: manfred m straehle student of epistemology <shash501@cybernex.net>
> To: pcp@mailbase.ac.uk
> Subject: Kelly quote book
> Date: Monday, June 28, 1999 11:19 PM
> Does anybody know if a Kelly quote book exists?
> Manfred
> "If you want to know what is wrong with a client, ask him; he might tell
> you " (p.201)--The Psychology of Personal Constructs--George A. Kelly
> "We are forced to express ourselves in words, and we think, most often,
> space. To put it another way, language compels us to establish between
> ideas the same clear and precise distinctions, and the same break in
> continuity, as between material objects."
> ---Henri Bergson---
> "What we ordinarily call a fact is not reality such as it would appear to
> an immediate intuition, but an adaptation of reality to practical
> and the demands of social life." ("Matiere et Memoire", page 201.)
> ---Herni Bergson
> http://www2.cybernex.net/~shash501/