---</color>From: <color><param>0000,0000,8000</param>"Otto B. Walt= er" <<otto.walter@charite.de>
</color>To: <color><param>0000,0000,8000</param>frank.schoene= ich@charite.de
</color>Date sent: <color><param>0000,0000,8000</param>Thu, 15 Jul 1= 999 16:40:11 +0200
<bold></color>Subject: <color><param>0000,0000,8000</param>PCP
</bold></color>Send reply to: <color><param>0000,0000,8000</param>otto.w= alter@charite.de
</color>Priority: <color><param>0000,0000,8000</param>normal
<color><param>7F00,0000,0000</param>From: <color><param>0000,00= 00,8000</param>Otto B. Walter <<otto.walter@charite.de>
<color><param>7F00,0000,0000</param>To: <color><param>0000,00= 00,8000</param>H.C.Lee@mmu.ac.uk
<bold><color><param>0000,0000,0000</param>Subject: <color><param>0= 000,0000,8000</param>Software for analysing repertory grid data
</bold><color><param>7F00,0000,0000</param>Send reply to: <color><param>= 0000,0000,8000</param>otto.walter@charite.de
<color><param>7F00,0000,0000</param>Date sent: <color><param>0000,00= 00,8000</param>Thu, 15 Jul 1999 10:32:20 +0200
</color>Hi Hui-Chun<color><param>7F00,0000,0000</param>
> I am a Ph.D student from Taiwan and studying in Newly Qualified
> Teacher at Manchester. I am applying the repertory grid as a tool
> in my research.
> I would like to have advice about the computer software for
> analysing the repertory grid data. I found the information in the
> web-site : www.oikos.org are all developed for MS Dos3.3 or
> under I would like to know if there is any new software develop for
> Win3.1 or Win95. Is there Focus new vision for Win format?
> Where I can get the software? If that possible for free?
> The 6 elements and bipolar constructs are elicited by the
> interviewee in my research. Is there other programme suitable for
> the data beside Focus?
</color>I have developed a professional software package for analysing,
editing, comparing and visualising repertory grid data under
Windows 95 / 98 and Windows NT 4.0. GridLab comprises roughly
all functions of Patrick Slater's INGRID package (principal
component analysis). Cluster analysis is under preparation. The
user interface is completely in English. GridLab was designed to
expedite both routine and research tasks. High-quality print-outs
can be created on the fly and all data can be exported into
spreadsheets and statistical software packages such as SPSS.
The current version of this software will be presented at the IPCP99
in Berlin at the end of July.
The only drawback is that GridLab is not freeware ;-) . A single
user licence costs EUR 300. A site (i.e. department) licence for academical or non-profit organisations is available for EUR 400. If you are interested in a professional tool for analysing and visualising repertory grids GridLab is worth considering. The software has been used in several research institutions for the analysis of several thousands of repertory grids. If you are interested or if you have any further questions please do not hestitate to contact me.
Best regards
O. B. Walter
Otto B. Walter, M.D.
Medizinische Klinik mit Schwerpunkt Psychosomatik
Charite Campus Virchow-Klinikum
Humboldt-University Berlin
Augustenburger Platz 1
13353 Berlin
Tel: +49 - 30 - 450-53213
Fax: +49 - 30 - 450-53900
E-mail: otto.walter@charite.de
------------------------------------------------- Dr. med. Frank Schoeneich Charit=E9 / Virchow-Klinikum Medizinische Klinik mit Schwerpunkt Psychosomatik D-13344 Berlin Germany Phone: ##49-30-450-53313 Fax: ##49-30-450-53900 Email: frank.schoeneich@charite.de Homepage: www.charite.de/psychosomatik/index.html -------------------------------------------------