Fay, absolutely thrilled to see your name appear on my emails. I joined the
PCP list recently, having found it on the critical psychology web ring. PCP
was an area that interested me greatly as a mature age undergraduate at the
University of Tasmania in the late 1980's. I read a lot of your work at the
time and did a project on self and the stereotype with stutterers.
At one stage I met Linda Viney in Hobart to discuss possible PH. D. topics
on self and the stereotype (in the alcohol and drug area, where I was
working). I didn't pursue it. I understand that Linda is also on this
I'm working full-time and not studying or researching at present. I am
thinking about applying to enrol as a part-time external student at the
Centre for Critical Psychology at the University of Western Sydney. Don't
know if I'll get in as they don't have an external course yet.
----- Original Message -----
From: Fay Fransella <RoyHodson@compuserve.com>
To: <pcp@mailbase.ac.uk>
Sent: Sunday, September 12, 1999 9:42 PM
Subject: Peter Lynch
> Hello Bob,
> sorry, no idea anything about Peter Lynch. You could try Maureen Pope at
> Reading University?
> Regards,
> Fay