html-ig list is open for business

weibel@ora (Stu Weibel)
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 1994 10:21:00 +0500
From: weibel@ora (Stu Weibel)
Message-id: <9406101421.AA03043@ws02-00>
To: html-ig@fssun09
Subject: html-ig list is open for business
X-Sun-Charset: US-ASCII
Content-Length: 2157

The HTML-IG (HTML Implementors Group) list is open for business

This list is maintained for the discussion of issues specifically
related to the implementation of HTML standards.  It is not open to the
general public, though for the time being no formal screening of
subscribers will be undertaken.

Archives of the list will be maintained and will be publically available.

Ron Daniel ( has volunteered to run a hypertext
archive of it similar to the one for the URI mailing list 

The following is a list of initial subscribers

CONNOLLY@HAL.COM                                 Dan Connolly
RDANIEL@ACL.LANL.GOV                             Ronald E. Daniel
DSR@HPLB.HPL.HP.COM                              Dave Raggett
MARCA@NETCOM13.NETCOM.COM                        Marc Andreessen
PFLYNN@CURIA.UCC.IE                              Peter Flynn
WEIBEL@OCLC.ORG                                  Stu Weibel
TERRY@ORA.COM                                    Terry Allen
MCRAE@ORA.COM                                    Christopher McRae
TIMBL@INFO.CERN.CH                               Tim Berners-Lee
ESINK@SPYGLASS.COM                               Eric Sink
JAY@EIT.COM                                      Jay Glicksman
JACKSON@NCSA.UIUC.EDU                            Larry Jackson
YURI@SQ.COM                                      Yuri Rubinsky
MURRAY@SCO.COM                                   Murray Malone
GARY.ADAMS@EAST.SUN.COM                          Gary R. Adams
WMPERRY@INDIANA.EDU                              William Perry
JAY@EIT.COM                                      Jay Glicksman
WEH@SEI.CMU.EDU                                  Bill Hefley
EDUARDO.GUTENTAG@ENG.SUN.COM                     Eduardo Gutentag
REED@HADES.CSHL.ORG                              Corp Reed

Total number of subscribers: 20 (20 shown here)

For a list of commands supported by this listserv, send a message to

with the word "help" as the message body.

Stuart Weibel
Senior Research Scientist
OCLC Office of Research