EMBED (Re: HTML 2.0 specification)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 94 16:54:02 EDT
Message-id: <9409022052.AA13659@sqrex.sq.com>
Reply-To: lee@sq.com
Originator: html-wg@oclc.org
Sender: html-wg@oclc.org
Precedence: bulk
From: lee@sq.com
To: Multiple recipients of list <html-wg@oclc.org>
Subject: EMBED (Re: HTML 2.0 specification)
X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0c -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas
X-Comment: HTML Working Group (Private)
About embed -- compare the NOTATION facility in SGML.
It's imortant that you don't break SGML conformance, or, if you do, that
it is a conscious decision. You can't simply embed arbitrary data,
although if it is encoded in an SGML-safe way that's acceptable.
E.g. you have to watch out for </ occurring in it.
Liam Quin, Manager of Contracting, SoftQuad Inc +1 416 239 4801 lee@sq.com
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