Agree: empty P, container PP [Was: Hot Metal and HTML ]

"Daniel W. Connolly" <>
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 94 12:23:37 EDT
Message-id: <>
Precedence: bulk
From: "Daniel W. Connolly" <>
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Subject: Agree: empty P, container PP [Was: Hot Metal and HTML ]
X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0c -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas
X-Comment: HTML Implementation Group
In message <>, Tim Berners-Lee writes:
>This plan failed, as the SGML tag implication algorithm is not
>strong enough (-Dan).  That is, it can deduce closing
>tags but not opening tags. So the trick will work for <LI>
>and <DT> and <dd> because they all have opening tags, but
>it won't work for <p>.
>This means that either
>1. <p> is kept as a separator, maybe with <pp> as a para style container, or
>2. We mandate that HTML parsers have a higher level of tolerance
>   than SGML parsers, in particular they can infer opening tags; or
>2. Text is allowed outside paragraphs as well as inside, as
>   Dave Ragget has suggested for html+; or
>3. The new spec is called HTML+ or HTML2 but not text/html.
>These are as I see it the four options open to us as we plot the course of
>WWW history. 

This is an excellent characterization of the situation.

I'm willing to live with option 1 or the second option 2, but not
option 3 or the first option 2.

I suggested option 1 long ago on www-talk

The problem is how to introduce the PP tag... Information providers
can't be expected to just start writing:


	<pp>para 1

	<pp>para 2

	<h2>another head</h2>

today, because it won't "look right" -- no browsers will distinguish
para 1 from para 2. I futher suggested in

that we provide, as a
transition technique, a declaration of PP like:

	<!ELEMENT PP - O (%htext, P?)>

and folks could write:


	<pp>para 1<p>

	<pp>para 2

	<h2>another head</h2>

and get interoperability with current browsers.
