Lots of good stuff... a few comments, though
Hmmm... it seems that the Reply-To header is getting set
to html-wg@oclc.org, instead of the sender. Is that what
is intended? It makes it difficult to reply privately
to the author of a message, and it means that if somebody
sends a message to the list without first subscribing,
they're not likely to see any replies.
>A number of other mailing lists and Usenet groups afford ample
>opportunity for discussions of philosophy, proposed features, and
>announcements of WWW systems and resources. Those interested in
>general discussions of WWW issues may wish to join one of the general
>Web discussions hosted elsewhere, including:
> www-announce WWW announcements of general interest
> www-talk Technical discussions of WWW issues
> www-html Discussions of proposed future enhancements to HTML
> web4lib Delivery of Library services via WWW
This is GREAT! Give the subscribers a MESS of background into
so they can research questions for themselves and come up to
speed before posting.
I think it's worth spending some time to carefully edit the
subscription-response-blurb so that
(1) it's got enough info that folks can research
lots of issues by themselves, and
(2) it's clear and easy to read; i.e. it doesn't look
like the mess below or like a flag Gopher menu or
FTP directory listing.
I think it would be useful to give machine-readable references
to resource that we mention, for example:
There's a discussion of web-related mailing lists at:
While you're at it, you can give folks access to a whole mess
of background info:
IETF Working Groups:
IETF HTTP server:
IETF FTP archives:
ftp://ftp.isi.edu/ (among others)
WWW Project:
HTML info:
>HTML Working Group Chair:
> Tim Berners-Lee timbl@www3.cern.ch
I think www3.cern.ch is the product of some strange configuration
at CERN. It may work for some time, but I doubt it will last.
I suggest timbl@w3.org, or the tried-and-true timbl@info.cern.ch.
And about pointers to me: while you're giving folks my
email address, please give them a pointer to:
and ask them to read through those materials before firing
off questions to me.
>COMMANDS and REQUESTS. Send messages that contain commands to:
> listserv@oclc.org
Is it also possible (advisable?) to send administrative requests
to the address
as is the convention? If not, I think you're asking for trouble.
> Stuart Weibel weibel@oclc.org
Sometimes folks expect the alias
to correspond to the list maintainer/owner. Perhaps this was just
an internal convention from when I was at CONVEX, but I think
it's a general net.convention.