html-wg-94q3 by subject
Starting: Fri 29 Jul 1994 - 11:24:12 MST
Ending: Fri 30 Sep 1994 - 18:19:25 MST
Messages: 269
- "current practice"
- 3in1 HTML dtd
- <graph>
- <Img Alt='...'>
- [ HTML Committee]
- A's content model
- Agenda for Chicago meeting
- Agenda for Chicago meeting (+ misc)
- Agenda for Chicago meeting [Was: Issue tracking for HTML 2.0 document (HyperNews?) ]
- Character Data
- Character Set
- Clarification requested for necessity of </A>
- Clarify that special character representations are case-sensitive?
- Comment on HTML 2.0
- Comments on HTML 2.0 DTD
- Do we really care about levels?
- Entities
- erics, mike
- erics, mike - OOPS!
- ERROR(?) in content declarations for character tags
- File upload in HTML forms
- Form Errata in Spec
- HTML 2.0
- HTML 2.0 Editing
- HTML 2.0 editing [Was: Programming languages for remote agents ]
- HTML 2.0 editing status
- HTML 2.0 issues
- html 2.0 question:
- HTML 2.0 spec editing
- HTML 2.0 specification
- HTML 2.0 specification)
- HTML 3.0 Process
- HTML 3.0 standardization
- HTML and ICAD:
- html and tables
- HTML DTDs, 2 minor bugs
- HTML empty A (was marked sections)
- HTML-WG and December IETF meeting?
- I won't be in Chicago: we're having a baby
- ICADD elements in HTML
- IETF HTML WOrking Group List
- Issue tracking for HTML 2.0 document (HyperNews?)
- LI attributes
- List Item (LI) Suggestion
- marked section in new HTML DTDs
- Meetings at Web Conference in October
- MIME types
- Minor corrections to the new HTML 2.0 draft spec (fwd)
- Monday
- Murray's Files
- need to check subscription on www-html
- New Topic: HTML and the Visually Impaired [long]
- Numeric Character References
- Obsolete elements -- trying again
- OK, how about Monday?
- Postscript version of July 1994 HTML 2.0 doc available by HTTP
- Prescriptive means??
- Prescriptive vs 'Obsolete'
- Presentation at Conference
- Proposed DTD Names, Structure
- Proposed DTD Names, Structure [Was: HTML 2.0 editing status ]
- Reconstruct links? [Was: HTML 2.0 editing status ]
- Release of HTML 2.0 document for editing
- SGML, HTML and CS:
- Staying on Task
- STRIKE tag is proposed, what about INSERT?
- Tags inside themselves?
- Tags inside themselves??
- The META element
- The transition to ICADD
- Tim BL on for HTML session
- Updated DTD to address outstanding issues
- updated intro file
- Users seem happy with the present HTML 2.0 DTD
Last message date: Fri 30 Sep 1994 - 18:19:25 MST
Archived on: Tue Jan 24 1995 - 14:41:03 MST
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