> In message <199409071701.KAA29137@rock>, Terry Allen writes:
> >> Dan's well thought out 3-dtd
> >solution was meant to address the issue of compliance at various
> >levels, and merging everything into one large dtd does not seem to
> >address this issue.
> >
> >It doesn't change the issue, it only puts everything in one place.
> >There will still be three levels, but you'll have to set them by
> >editing the INCLUDE/IGNORE keywords at two points within the DTD.
> Ack! No! Don't make folks edit the DTD!
> The prologue:
> <!DOCTYPE HTML "-//IETF//DTD HTML Level 1//2.0">
> currently invokes the level 1 dtd via that public identifier. It
> should stay that way. For example, we could say that the public
> text identifier "-//IETF//DTD HTML Level 1//2.0" refers to:
> <!ENTITY % HTML.Level2 "IGNORE">
> <!ENTITY % html.dtd "-//IETF//DTD HTML//2.0">
> (which might be stored in a file called html-1.dtd)
> and similarly "-//IETF//DTD HTML Level 0//2.0" refers to:
> <!ENTITY % HTML.Level1 "IGNORE">
> <!ENTITY % HTML.Level2 "IGNORE">
> <!ENTITY % html.dtd "-//IETF//DTD HTML//2.0">
> and finally "-//IETF//DTD HTML//2.0" and "-//IETF//DTD HTML Level 2//2.0"
> refer to the combination of the current html-0.dtd,
> html-1.dtd, and html.dtd, with marked sections for HTML.Level1 and
> HTML.Level2 features.
> Dan